Sunday, July 29, 2012

Hello Monday {2}

Hello Monday! A meme sponsored by Lisa Leonard.
Hello hydrangeas - taken in instagram (I like the filters, but I have not been able to figure out how to share on facebook with it). Getting the garden back into shape after our time away.
Hello a big week on my blog - stamp give-away on Wednesday; Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt Link-up on Saturday; Sian's Storytelling Sunday.
Hello menu planning, grocery shopping and cooking - new responsibilities for me.
Hello empty bedroom - the boy is off to residential soccer camp.
Hello hospital - lots of tests for Paul this week, but he's doing great.
Hello hula hoop - the girl, inspired by her cousin, has added this to her exercise regime.
Hello Olympics - enjoying watching all the unusual sports. So far, I'm really enjoying women's soccer, archery, swimming and gymnastics. Are you watching? What sports are you enjoying?


  1. Oooh, I love your hydrangeas!

    I most certainly am watching - though our coverage is not particularly good, radio is better!

  2. I shared with Weegie what you said about the hula hoop. She was glad to hear that her Clara has joined the hula hoop craze. Weegie does it all the time, while she's reading, studying, watching tv. She loves it and I hope Clara likes it too! Love your picture by the way!

  3. I love watching gymnastics - but it seems every time we turn on the Olympics it's swimming being covered!

  4. I'm not much of an Olympics watcher although I did enjoy the Opening Ceremony.

    I'm having more fun looking forward to good blogging!

    Thinking about you all and those tests

  5. Beautiful photo and i love Instagram! I can share mine on Facebook because I have enabled it in my settings. Hope that helps.

  6. I do admire those hydrangeas. Life at home will be different this week with The Boy away. I pray that all goes well for him at soccer camp and that he return safe. We watch the Olympics every chance we get. The physical talents and drive of these athletes are amazing.

  7. Hooray for Instagrams!!! I'll have to look you up and follow you there. I'm not sure about editing your settings, but I do know that before you "share" on Instagram if you scroll down a little there's a Facebook option. Maybe?

    Very glad to hear that Paul is doing well... and super cool that your girl C is hula-hooping! I'm a big fan of that myself. :o)

  8. What gorgeous hydrangeas! Yes, I'm watching the Olympics. So far, I've watched women's beach volley ball, swimming, and a bit of gymnastics. I loved the opening ceremonies where Queen Elizabeth met with Daniel Craig and they pretended to jump out of the helicopter. What a good sport she is!

  9. Glad Paul is doing well. Lovely hydrangea photo. I've been enjoying the diving today - we have a tv in the boardroom at work and have been popping in and out to watch it!

  10. Love the hydrangea pic....what a gorgeous colour...ours are much more muted.
    Good luck with your new 'food' responsibilities.
    Glad to hear Paul is doing well.
    I'm not a great Olympics watcher myself....loved the Opening Ceremony...though I can understand how 'non-Brits' may have been confused by some of it....Boyle certainly went for 'different!! I am looking forward to the athletics though.

  11. The hydrangeas are gorgeous! Such a great and happy picture!

    Stopping by from Hello Monday - have a great week.

    Royal Daughter Designs

  12. Beautiful Hydrangea - I've managed to get one blue one and one pink one! I'm watching the swimming and the gymnastics and loved the opening ceremony - but that's about it for me :-0

  13. Love those Hydrangeas. I haven't used Instagram, don't know how, plus I don't have the phone for it. I did though after reading your comment on my blog about Spain olive oil, order a bottle to try Spains olive oil. Have a great week and hope your husband is do good on his tests. Take care.

  14. in fact here is the link in case you wanted to stop my La Tienda.

  15. I love the color of these hydrangeas!!! Gorgeous.

  16. Hydrangeas are gorgeous. We're sending lots of thoughts of strength, patience and health from Michigan to Paul.

  17. Thinking about you this week
    Alison xx

  18. This is almost a week of link ups or blog hops on my blog. Or so it seems! Had to find something for Friday to finish the run off :)

    Nope not watching the Olympics - enjoying the quieter commutes tho'!

  19. Your flowers are stunning! This was a fun read and we have been watching a lot of swimming and gymnastics here but also made sure to catch the Men's sabre fencing (as it is DS's sport of choice) :)
