Friday, July 27, 2012

Colon's Angels

At the foot of the Ramblas in Barcelona, Spain is a statue honoring Christopher Columbus, which features some beautiful angel statues (item 8 in the Summertime Scavenger Hunt).
I love how the angels seem to dance, in silhouette, with the other statues in the square.
Once you enter the Ramblas, there are many street artists who pose for pictures. I thought I saw a person dressed in a traditional angel costume, but I could not find her when I returned with my camera.  Instead, I found this creature.
Do you think that's a person dressed as an angel or not?


  1. I've been in Barcelona once. It's a marvelos city. And all those places by Gaudì!! That angel/demon is amazing!!

  2. I have pictures of the monument,taken on my first visit, but have never noticed the angels- I bet I would have noticed them this year!
    Alison xx

  3. I think his portrayal of angel/demon is quite profound; creepy but profound! I love all the monuments in Europe with Spain's being some of the most breathtaking!

  4. He certainly looks more like a demon to me....the statue is stunning.

  5. That is not an angel! Scary looking thing whatever it is. Beautiful statue of CC and the angels surrounding it.

  6. Definitely NOT angelic looking! Love seeing the photos of Barcelona. All I ever saw there was the airport, but that's a long story!

  7. Not very angelic looking to me! But I love your photos :-)

  8. Mmmm, he sorta looks a bit like a flying bat!

  9. The wings look like bat wings instead of angel or bird like wings to me. I vote bat.

  10. Possibly the kind of angel you would see in Dr Faustus!

  11. The dancing angel statues are lovely - whilst I suspect the last is a fallen angel or demon. Do like the light and silhouettes.

  12. The dancing angel statues are lovely - whilst I suspect the last is a fallen angel or demon. Do like the light and silhouettes.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. depends what you class as an angel? Very interesting though
