Sunday, April 22, 2012

yoga art

This art journal page was complete, except for the journaling. I was a bit stuck. But then this morning at yoga, as I listened to the instructor, it came to me: "We root to the earth, then open our hearts. A new beginning." A perfect sentiment for the start of spring, the start of a new day or the start of a new week. Speaking of which, I'm doing Ali Edwards' "A Week in the Life." Are you?  And I'm considering Shimelle's new class "Cover to Cover." Any thoughts on that class?
And, because I don't want to be too earnest about yoga, here's a link to a funny video of a song called "Yoga Girl."



  1. Love your art page - my kind of colours and I did smile at that video - in my head I have a body like that, in reality I certainly do not!

  2. All I can say is, more than my toes hurt after yoga! Flexibility is not my strong point!

  3. That quote is perfect for this time of year....and I love how the colours look.
    I've joined Shim's class....any ideas for how to organise my pages,albums etc. are very welcome....and I always find her classes inspire me to get very little cost!!
    You are going to love Barcelona...and as a plus....Spain is cheaper than most of Europe.

  4. I agree, gorgeous colours :) something to be said for a good stretch!
    I have joined Shimelle's class too, there's really no organisation to any of my pages and as I have a bunch of wedding and holiday pics needing scrapping I am always up for some inspiration!
    Gayle x

  5. The video brought a smile!...and the quote on the artwork is perfect, as Ibelieve yesterday was 'Earth Day'! Am still thinking about Shimelle's class..if I hadn't already started the album for my niece's 18th Birthday, it might be ideal...but then again it might give me inspiration for finishing it-think I've just talked myself into it!
    Alison xx

  6. Yoga girl was funny - thanks for the chuckle. love the art page - the quote is perfect. Too much already on my plate for Shimelle's class.

  7. i am doing week in the life again this week and it's raining.......again. never mind. i am contemplating doing the new shimelle class but need to get some pennies together first. i think her classes are excellent and i love what i learn from her.
    really liking the bold purple in the art and that yoga song is hysterical, the most unyogay song ever,
    jo xxx

  8. Hey Rinda ~ I love your art in this post! And the video to go with it is awesome. I'm still smiling. I think you and I understand yoga in the same way - take what is meaningful to you and let the rest of the stuff just be.

    Have a great week! xo

  9. I've never tries true yoga, I'm more of a Pilates girl I think. But I can definitely feel where you are coming from with that quote.

    No class for me either this time round.

  10. Love the page's message and the pretty colors!

    Good luck with Week in the Life! Project Life is enough for me to handle so I'm not participating this year, but I look forward to seeing yours! :)

  11. Very nice page! Love the quote! I'm doing AWTL as well. I thought about Cover to Cover but it seems a stretch digitally & I don't have a spare $30 right now so I am going to skip it this time, though probably I will regret it after hearing about it from everyone taking it

  12. Another great page. I love yoga, but yoga does not like me much. No more new classes for me for awhile!

  13. I love this sentiment, I think it's perfect. And beautiful!
