Monday, April 23, 2012

A Week in the Life: My Weekend

I started a photography/scrapbook project called A Week in the Life on Saturday, and here's an assortment of photos from the weekend.  On Saturday, Gypsy watched with great apprehension as I packed up to take Henry off to a soccer tournament in Manteca, Ca.  She hates it when we leave .
It was brutally hot, so the fans hung out under tents (my group was under the blue Adidas tent). The boys won both games, and Henry scored a goal. I spent most of my time trying to film the game. I hope to figure out how to create videos. If so, I'll post one later.
Meanwhile, Paul spent time at home working in the garden.  He pulled out the bulbs, planted some flowers and added to the herb garden:
Clara's weekend is summed up with one photograph:
She spent Saturday working on homework (symbolized by her backpack) and then got all dressed up to go to a Quincenera (represented by the high heels). She wouldn't let me take a picture of her when she got home all dressed up. In fact, "wouldn't let me take a picture of them" will probably be a theme of the "Week in a Life." Sigh.
Sunday was quiet.  I went to yoga:
I should have taken a picture of the Farmer's Market I stopped by on my way out of yoga, but I forgot. At home, things were pretty quiet.  Paul and I worked on our travel plans for the summer, specifically the week we will spend in Barcelona.  The kids slept late, then occupied themselves with electronics. Here's Henry playing Xbox and the cat lazying about:
So that was our weekend. I'd love some suggestions for how to get cooperation from family members to get their pictures for this project.  I'll do a mid-week post with more scenes from my week.


  1. Please feel free to disregard my suggestions as I have an 8&5 yr old and they are somewhat cooperative ... so far.

    Perhaps they could have the camera for a couple of hours and take some shots themselves, including a self portrait?



    Take photos ALL THE TIME around the times when you are all home.



    See? I have no clue. Good luck!

    PS Your heat has arrived - ours has certainly left town!

  2. What a fine set of photos and I especially like the backpack and shoes one.

  3. These are my all time favorite types of posts, get a peek into the lives of others. Great pics Rinda and I love your garden beds, am thinking of doing something similar in my back yard.

  4. Love the backpack and high heels! I have zero to offer in the way of suggestions for getting the teen contingent to cooperate. When you figure it out, do tell. I'm thinking I may actually include the hand-in-front-of-the-face-blocking-the-camera photos as a representation of mine!

  5. Wonderful documentation of your weekend! Even if your family is not as co-operative with having their pictures taken as you would like, I think that photos like the one with the shoes and backpack say so much about them. I did a similar project back in August, and I was quite suprised how many things I discovered in my everyday commute and work day. So many small things that suddenly get so much meaning when you start look at and for them. It's a great project to do, and I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of your week.

  6. Great start to your WITL!! Love your documentation..awesome job!

  7. I'm trying to imagine that level of heat at this time of year. Struggling!

    I love your "raised beds" - maybe you have another name for them. We only have room for the one and all it seems to produce is salad leaves!

    My two are getting to the point where they will let me take their picture as long as I agree not to blog it

  8. Great pictures Rinda and full weekend too. Manteca is just down the street from where I live. Enjoy the week.

  9. A busy weekend's no fun when the teenagers don't want to play!! Did you get an apt sorted out for Barca?
    Alison xx

  10. I'm another who'd like to know how to get co-operation!!!!

  11. Seems like the only pictures I get of my two now are the ones I lift from their facebook pages! I don't think all the bribery in the world helps much once they get to a certain age!

  12. I love seeing the photos of your weekend. My kids were always pretty decent about letting me take photos. I think they always understood that I didn't have many photos of my family growing up and that it was important for me to have them of us. There was a limit to how many I was able to take, however.

  13. Love the way you have recorded your w/e. Sorry no suggestions I need one too how to get my lovely daughter in law to realise she is attractive and I would like to take her photo. Ever since she had Rufus she is convinced she is fat, just because she is a more normal size instead of the size 6-8 that she was before.

  14. Rinda your photos are fantastic - I'm having a hard time with hubby participating as well - but mostly it's because I leave early in the morning and he gets home later and by that time I don't feel like taking photos anymore!

    Gypsy is the cutest :)

  15. Great photos! my kids are still fairly cooperative about the photos. I've explained what I am doing to them & they are mostly willing to go along with it. I've promised to keep photos of them to a minimum unless they ask me to take them. I do take pics of their backs as they walk away a lot as well.
