Monday, March 26, 2012

Operation Write Home Cards

Cards are a great way to de-stash and use up patterned paper. Ali Manning has been running this challenge focusing on doing just that this month, and here's my last submission for the challenge.  I used a variety of patterned paper to make these cards which I plan to donate to Operation Write Home.  If you're a card maker who likes making cards for a cause, check out this link to learn more about a terrific organization.  They even run cool challenges - right now there's one open for masculine/Father's Day cards.  Check it out here.


  1. Beautiful cards Rinda xxx

  2. That's such a good cause and I'm sure they'll be delighted to recieve your lovely cards

  3. Lovely cards Rinda - such a nice colour palette.

  4. Lovely cards ...I'm sure they will be much appreciated
    Alison xx

  5. cute cards and a great organization!

  6. These are so lovely and what a wonderful idea behind the creation!

  7. You're putting me to shame, Rinda! You've used up way more paper this month than I have. Thanks for playing - your cards are fab :)
