Wednesday, February 22, 2012

February Self-Portrait: Write On

The February theme for the "In the Picture" self portrait challenge is "Write On."  I took a picture of my hand holding one of the butterflies I created for Deb's butterfly project, remembering children who perished in the holocaust. The writing on the butterfly says "to honor and remember." I chose to feature the butterfly in my self-portrait because it it is a reflection of me in so many ways - it's my artwork and very true to my style.  It includes photographs of children from Houston (my Aunt and Uncle) and it will be going to a museum installation in Houston. I love the full circle feeling of that. Finally, my father liberated a concentration camp in World War II. His account was chilling and has always stuck with me.  It's a self-portrait because it includes my hand. But it's also a self-portrait because it includes my heart and soul.
For other self-portraits, check out this link.


  1. Beautiful, and perfectly appropriate!

  2. What a lovely post and a gorgeous butterfly. You have reminded me that I must get on and make mine.

  3. A perfect representation of you,Rinda.

  4. That's a great idea, Rinda and a lovely butterfly also.
    "Self portrait because it includes my hand and my heart and soul". Yes.

  5. so powerful. a great example of the breadth that is covered by 'self portrait'

  6. So many things I love about this post, Rinda! The awesome butterfly (which I have now had the pleasure of admiring in person), the history behind your photos, and also your beautiful words written in this post. Well done, friend!

  7. A meaningful response to the challenge,,, well done.

  8. A very unusual and beautiful way to do a self-portrait. Beautiful because, as you said, it includes your heart and soul - and shouldn't that always be in a self-portrait?

  9. How touching and sad. Thank you for sharing this.
    Catherine Denton

  10. beautiful photo, artwork, & post...thank you so much for sharing with us!

  11. how cool. i like that your s.p. has a lot of depth and meaning behind it... and that you shared what it was.

    love the art, too!... for the same reason.

  12. a beautiful shot that says so much about you. thanks so much for linking up at {in the picture} this month!

  13. wow, a wonderful selfie that completely represents you - beautiful!

  14. Lovely artwork and with so much meaning for you! The butterfly project sounds like a wonderful way to honor those who perished in the holocaust.

  15. such a beautiful idea and a lovely quote at the end,
    jo xxx
