Friday, February 10, 2012

blue butterfly

Deb, of the Paper Turtle blog, is collecting hand made butterflies to send to the Holocaust Museum in Houston, Texas, a part of their "Butterfly Project" to remember the children killed in the holocaust.  You can read more about it here.  I made this blue butterfly out of plaster, decorated with acrylic paint on top.  My favorite part is actually the underside.
After painting with acrylic paint, I collaged on vintage pictures of children and wrote "To honor and remember" around the edge.  This one feels much more like "me" and my style than the pink butterfly I made before.
But I really like the way the look together.  They'll be winging their way to Deb soon!


  1. Both of your butterflies are amazing and what a wonderful cause they came into being for! Good job Rinda!

  2. This one is so beautiful, though I did like the first one too. I love what you've done to the back of it. This one would need to hang suspended so both sides could be seen.

  3. Oh, Rinda, this is so beautiful! And you're right - so very "you". I love it. The vintage photos and the journaling make it really special!!!

    Thanks so much for putting me one more butterfly closer to my goal, and also for helping to spread the word. You are a true artist and a great friend!

  4. Definitely "YOU" and I love what you did with the backside.

  5. They are both special in very different ways, but I do agree that the blue one has 'Rinda' written all over it!

  6. It is very 'you'....what a great idea to collage the back that way.

  7. I too like them both but I love the collaged underside of the second one. It adds special meaning to your contribution

  8. Great idea to add the collage!
    Alison xx

  9. How beautiful! I LOVE the back with the vintage photos and am reminded that I wanted to contribute to that project too. Thanks for the inspiration, xo

  10. Very special butterfly - both sides ..

  11. What a worthy project - and your butterflies are lovely. Nicely done.

  12. These butterflies are gorgeous! It always makes me sad that children would pay a price, because of the ignorance of adults! BTW, loved the looky inside your china cabinet! Happy Weekend!

  13. what a wonderful project. i love your butterflies. the photos on the underside of the one really pulled me in and made me aware of the loss. and, since you are a photographer, the photos really made it look like "you"

  14. They are just lovely, and I love how they will have a small part of you with them!

  15. Hi Rinda! Really nice butterflies!!! Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog... it means a lot!
    Have a great day!

  16. Rinda, beautiful butterflies. They'll be a great addition to the project.
