Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Getting Back on Track

It's been so long since I've blogged or done anything creative. I feel like I've been in a long pit stop and wasn't sure about how to get back out onto the track. Do you ever have that problem when you've been away from blogging or art-making? What do you do about it?
I've decided to start with baby steps. After enrolling in Shimelle's new class, I decided that the easiest thing to do was to make a few cards using her ideas. My card using paper strips didn't turn out so well, but I do like this one. And, you know what? After making the two cards, I scrapped four pages! I like them, and I'll share them tomorrow after I get a chance to photograph them. 
And, I'm starting back with a really simple blog post. Baby steps. Because they work for me. What works for you?


  1. Yes, I do find that it is hard to get back into blogging and scrapping after a bit of a break. I find the best way is to just start and it then flows, starting back with a class is a great idea!

  2. Love this card Rinda. I'm right there with you. I'm working on a new regimented schedule now that I've gone back to work and sadly to say, as usual, my crafting has taken a back burner. I've got to balance my work, personal, and crafty life again. It'll take some time since 3 months of not having a routine at all will be hard to overcome! LOL I will take baby steps with you.

  3. So far, keeping to my posting schedule has worked for me. if I didn't have a schedule there would be a lot more "Nah, I'll do it tomorrow"

  4. Interesting that Sian has a posting schedule...I know that wouldn't work for me....I'd feel under pressure. I just tend to post when I have something to show....and I do find taking a class a great way to 'inspire' me to create and blog....I'm sure during Shimelle's class I'll blog more than usual.Though I do tend to post less when my work schedule is heavy...which it is in we'll see how that works out....what with taking classes as well!
    I agree that when you've had a break....easing back in with baby steps is the best idea....and I love that card you've made....I'm really liking that Shimelle has card ideas as well with this class.

  5. I agree that it's much harder to get going again after a creative break or a blogging break. I had a huge spurt of creativity for a couple of nights, but have had no time to photograph the results or write the post. It's coming though. Love this card, makes me think of October Afternoon and the old Scenic Route lines.

  6. baby steps work for me too. I also find a regular challenge or meme useful - as long as I'm enjoying them

  7. I love the card... just wondering what type of occasion you might use it for? I seem to go on breaks rather regularly lately. I miss a week at a time because of the pace of life combined with fatigue. For me, the best cure is just jumping back in full force - no toes in the water, full submersion. I wish it were always that easy!

  8. i'm right there with you when it comes to being "gone" for awhile. it is hard to get back in the routine of blogging, to have it feel natural and again. but i'm glad you are back and am looking forward to seeing your "baby steps"!

  9. Also am feeling it hard to back into crafting and blogging at the moment. Will have to try and find some way of taking baby steps too.

  10. Super cute card, Rinda. And I know the feeling about getting back into the groove. It's like riding a'll be back on track in no time! xo

  11. Great card! I agree, baby steps is the perfect way to get back to something, otherwise we keep waiting for that huge block of time that never seems to come. I only had time to create one card yesterday morning, but it was nice to do something creative before my busy day! Glad to "see" you back.

  12. Baby steps are the card and look forward to seeing the LOs!
    Alison xx

  13. I am having the same problem at the mommet maybe we should just jump wright in x

  14. I found it terribly difficult to get back into it after my last break, I think a a class or challenge helps me. I'm glad to see you back.
