Monday, October 17, 2011

Blog Amnesty and Quick Party Prize

I have been terribly busy lately! As a result, I have made very little art. And, I've neglected my blog and blog visiting. Luckily, there's nothing bad going on around here. I'm just a bit overextended and terribly busy. So, I'm extending myself a bit of what my blog friend Mel calls "blog amnesty." I'm going to do a quick breeze through my reader and then clean it out to start from scratch. And I'm going to relieve myself of blog guilt for lack of posting.
Because I'm hoping there's a bit of a light at the end of the tunnel. And I'm hoping to be getting back to making art. And blogging. And visiting. Because I still have a lot to share . . . some class reviews, the last taste of summer (and scavenger hunt prizes), some scrapbook pages, wonderful mail art received, and some new adventures in art. 
And I have on more thing to share - a free pass to Shimelle's newest class "Pretty Paper Party." If you've never taken a Shimelle class or if you passed on signing up for this class and are now kind of regretting it,  here's your chance to take the leap. Simple rule - the winner is the first person to comment who tells me that they are not already enrolled in the class.  The class starts today, but I know we'll be able to catch up!  


  1. Rats! I just signed up for this class late yesterday afternoon, and here I could have been the first one to comment. ;o) Oh well. I really have no business making a commitment for a class right now, but I'm hoping it will spark some creativity and get me in the mood for some holiday crafting. We shall see...

    Good to see a post from you pop up in my reader! Don't forget to breathe!!! :o)

  2. I'm not enrolled in the class, but really need something to get my mojo going so please pick me.

  3. Congrats Rach! YOu're the winner. Email me at, and I'll sign us up. In your email to me, be sure to include your full name and your email address.

  4. I'm already there,Rinda....though I shouldn't I have a crazy work schedule in November....but can never resist a Shimelle class....they always inspire me back into scrapbooking.
    Glad to see you back in Blogland....have missed your posts.

  5. I've been missing your posts too, but it's so good to hear that you are busy and happy.

    Congrats Rach! I haven't signed up for this one - there just aren't enough hours in the day

  6. I've had a busy but good life lately too. Strolling through blogland for some catch up today!

    BTW - did the Raw Art Journaling book make it to you safely?

  7. How is the class? I just got the email today and am thinking about signing up. I always love Shimelle's class, but I haven't been scrapping much lately. Do you think it'd be a good kick in the pants? Lots of sketches? Or more come up with your own ideas?

  8. I didn't sign up and I know I'm going to regret it, and I was initially bummed seeing that I was out shopping with Sarah and missed being the first to comment... but honestly, I would be overextended to try to do it anyway. And with as many of my blog friends as there are participating, maybe I'll get the gist of it anyway.

    Glad you are back!

  9. I thought about signing up but didn't get to it, too much else to do. Hope everyone enjoys it though!

  10. I'm in the same boat you are, and now both of my kids are home for a week, so who knows whether I'll find time to post or not! I set a goal of reading five blogs tonight. You're #1.I signed up for Shimelle's class because I really NEED to get back to scrapbooking, and I hope I can catch up!

  11. I came back to see what was happening here Rinda and Blogger has chewed my intial comment I see!

    Very, very glad to see you back on the airwaves ... it is not the same without you!

  12. Hi Rinda, glad you are busy as being busy is a good thing. Just stopped by to say hello but Blogger keeps messing up on me. Having problems uploading pics and leaving comments. Good to see you, take care and have a great week.

  13. I am signed up to this class thought it might spark up my mojo again x

  14. Hope things calm down for you soon Rinda, and that you have time to play and create :) I'm enjoying the class - 2 days in and I've made 4 layouts already!

  15. I've been less busy than you (but I did have a trip up to Spokane wit see the folks) and I too am behind. I debated about taking the class... but I best not right now or I'll be even further behind!

  16. I'll have to check out those classes and see what it's all about, I guess I'm the only one that has never heard of it.
