Friday, July 1, 2011

What's your intent today?

I haven't shared anything from my smashbook sketchbook lately, but I've been doing pages. Here's one answering the question "What's your intent today?"
Today, my intent is to live, love and laugh as I'm about to to to a Comedy Club in San Francisco with some girl friends!
My intent for tomorrow is to help Clara get dressed up for a Quinceneara,  watch Henry play some baseball and write a blog post for Sian's Storytelling Sunday.
My intent for Sunday is to prepare a nice blog post for Monday with links to entries for my Summertime Photograph and Snapshot Scavenger Hunt. So, let me know if you have any posts out there you want me to include.
What's your intent today?


  1. Today I am spending time with my Mum

  2. Today I am watching the ladies final at Wimbledon and then I need to address the disaster zone that is my son's bedroom! He went on holiday on Thursday but following a horrible injury to his toe on Monday night (5 hours in A&E) had to spend the days leading up to going with his foot elevated and couldn't move anywhere fast. So packing for the holiday involved ramsacking his room for what he thought he would need and leaving an awful mess behind him. Being a softie mum, I want him to return to something far more tidy!

  3. I spent most of today visiting 9 gorgeous gardens in our old town....all opened to the public to raise money for our local hospice....they were full of inspiration....and the weather was perfect.

  4. I'm spending the weekend with my brother and nieces and having a lovely time. I do have some scavenger hunt photos ready to post, but they won't be up until Tuesday or Wednesday. found a couple on my walk through the rain this morning in Hyde Park.
