Saturday, July 2, 2011

Storytelling Sunday: 4th of July Edition

What 4th of July story should I offer up for Sian's Storytelling Sunday?  Should it be a story from my youth, of how I scrimped and saved my coins to go to the fireworks stand? A story of me, padding up to the plywood window on my summer calloused and dirty bare feet to buy "pandas" and "snakes" and "Piccolo Pete's"? And how I then hid these away so my brothers would not steal them, only to realize they could not be found on the 4th and the howling and gnashing of teeth that ensued among cries of "Thief!" and "Not Fair!" (never to mention the sheepish feeling of finding them in the bottom of my closet later that fall).
Or should it be a story circa 1984 when I am studying for the Bar Exam, living with my brother in an apartment in Manhattan Beach, and all the fun we had staying up late into the night on the Third  of July because we did not have to go to work the next day! We marinated ribs for the BBQ and prepared ingredients for award winning chili and played low-stakes poker. . . and I won.
No, I think the story I want to share is from the Summer of 1983.  Paul and I were living in Washington, D.C., our nation's capitol. We went down to the mall to participate in the festivities (the mall is the central area, with the Washington Monument in the middle, flanked by the Capitol, the White House, and the Lincoln Memorial). The symphony played, and there were thousands of people there. Late in the evening, we needed to use the restroom. There were long lines at the portable toilets. Not feeling like we were able to wait, we noticed a large bush at the end of the row of port-a-potties. We ducked behind the bush to relieve ourselves, and when we came out, we noticed that a line had formed behind us.  People were queuing up to use the bush as a bathroom!
Wishing you have a wonderful holiday weekend. Enjoy the fireworks and the good times with friends and families. May you savor and remember these times. And may you always find a bathroom when you need one!
To read more stories today or to join in, head on over to this link.


  1. I always knew you were a trendsetter!
    Have a great weekend!

  2. very funny, great story.
    thanks for popping by and leaving a lovely comment. Happy 4th July xx

  3. great story, Happy 4th July x

  4. LOL! I like a girl who can think her way around a problem and you can bet I would have been joining that queue, I have a reputation round here for always being the one looking for the restroom when we are out and about.

    A very Happy 4th July to you and your Rinda and thanks for joining Storytelling Sunday today (especially at holiday time)

  5. i can imagine those queues. my friend has the ability to find a restroom wherever we are in the wilderness, it's a standing joke. happy 4th of july for tomorrow,
    jo xxx

  6. July 4th in DC must have been very special, and thank goodness for plenty of greenery! LOL, great story!

  7. What a picture that brings to my mind! thank you for sharing

  8. Lovely stories of 4th July celebrations. Hurray for ingenuity and human instinct to join a queue!

  9. Oh how funny! I wonder if you were as embarrassed as I'd have been? I had a greater sense of "shame" in those days... now, I think I wouldn't care!
    That is such a hilarious story, Rinda; I liked the other two also. Who hasn't had that moment, where something "disappeared", all other members of the family were accused and denied all knowledge... and the item(s) turned up later, all safe, to the chagrin and shame of the owner? Hum... me too!
    Sounds like you and your brother made a good team. What a great way to spend an evening!

    Happy 4th July to you - I hope you and your family have a wonderful day of celebration!

  10. It's great to read a post that brings a big smile!!! Have a wonderful 4th July.

  11. You'd have been alright at Glastonbury Festival! Happy 4th of July for tomorrow:)

  12. :o) LOL. I love this story, Rinda. And the photo of you and Paul is absolutely adorable!!!

  13. I love hearing about 4th of July celebrations and Washington must have been amazing! Love the toilet story, I can definitely related to that one!Happy 4th of July to you and yours xxx

  14. Great story! Have a wonderful 4th of July :)

  15. Great story...I can only imagine your face as you came out from behind that bush! Happy 4th for tomorrow
    Alison xx

  16. All the stories were fun, but the last one got the biggest chuckle! Love the photos.

  17. Lol Rinda! Love the photo of you and Paul :) Happy 4th of July weekend!

  18. At least you got to be first in line! I imagine that ground got a bit sloppy after a bit. Always nice to be the one starting a trend.

  19. Great story! I went to the fireworks on the Mall once & set myself on fire with a sparkler.. Fortunately I had been wading in the reflecting pool & was too damp still for it to spread.

  20. Oh, now, I love this story! How funny!

  21. Oh, now, I love this story! How funny!

  22. Oh, now, I love this story! How funny!

  23. Loved your stories, especially the last one. :) Hope you had a great long weekend.
