Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Things in Progress . . .

I don't really have any finished art to share today, but I've been busy none-the-less.  Here's a picture of "mail-in, mail-out." The three decorate envelopes on the left are prizes (finally) going out for my Tsunami Relief blog-give away.  On the right is a tag I received from my friend "Young Nancy."  She posted it on her blog as part of a Grungy Monday Challenge, and I commented how much I loved it.  Then, voila, it showed up in my mail box today. Thanks Nancy!  I love it!  The green piece of "mail art" arrived from the folks who wrote the "Good Mail Day" book to acknowledge that they received this oddly shaped piece of mail.
I also spent some time dusting these off:
for the post I'm going to run on Sunday as part of Mel's alpha-numeric blog hop.
I cut up some teal hearts for an art journal page I have in progress, and I gathered a bunch of photographs and ephemera to make some new collage sheets:
So, what do you have in progress?


  1. What fun looking mail! I'm looking forward to the blog hop on Sunday, too.

  2. you always amaze me with the amount of beautiful work you create! where do you find those extra hours??! they seem to be hiding from me. :-)

  3. Nothing ... but I have just been taking photos of our day out in between rain showers and very stormy skies :-) You are looking quite busy over there - always industrious!

  4. So you have more than one thing on the go at once then! I'm working on my post for Sunday and some DT stuff and on the felt circus, trailing buttons and little bits of felt and paper all over the house..

  5. Mail from you is almost too pretty to open!

  6. What wonderful envelopes! I have a page for a guest DT spot on the go, plus a travel portfolio and a Tim Holtz configurations box! Oh yes, and I am trying to complete my Prague album too!

  7. Looks like you've been busy and having lots of fun! Can't beat that!

  8. So fun to see your projects in progress, Rinda. I'm working on something teal too...

  9. Hi Rinda. How fun. You have a lot going on and I can't wait to see what you do with the hearts. Interesting mail.:) Have a great day and thx for stopping by my blog, always good to see you. Oh, I ordered this huge round grill, 16 x 16 x 3, I mean it's big. I plan on using it for tortillas. Ayeeeee! I can't wait. It should be here Saturday or Monday. Take care.

  10. your art envelopes are wonderful! Glad you were surprised by the tag ;-)
    I have my pieces of colorwash papers ready to go into some creation tonight for the Grungy Monday Challenge, along with trying to pack for the house crop!

  11. Wow, you're soooo busy! Love the Lolly-stick box/plant pot... intrigued to know what it will be for...

    What a lot of lovely stuff you have been making (and sending!). I do love to see your artwork and read the stories you tell about it. It's so different to what I do/make, but that's why I like it so much! I hope to see more stories, to show us what you did with the various preparatory bits & pieces in these photos.

