Thursday, April 14, 2011

April Showers, but NOT May Flowers

The photography blog Mortal Muses is challenging folks to think outside the box and is looking for Spring pictures without flowers.  It's an interesting challenge, don't you think?  A few things I came up with were:
pictures of the salmon fishing fleet heading out, as the new season opened;
my new straw hat to wear to baseball games; and
plane tickets or reservations for spring break. 
And then, after an unexpected April shower, I took Gypsy outside.  And realized that, in my case, April showers led to puppy dog paw prints!
What out-of-the-box Spring photos can you think of?


  1. interesting how much of a story the photo tells

  2. your puppy paw prints look a little like flowers turned clockwise through 90 deg and they could be pansies

  3. A couple of the ones I posted last saturdau would probably fit - and I ran out of time before I took the one of TTO behind a pile of books. That's a sign of spring here - exam revision

  4. I've missed your blog over my busy last few days - but oh, it's been fun to catch up :-) What lovely projects you've been working on, and what great photos you've been taking! Can't wait to see your post on Sunday, exciting :-)

    Spring for me can mean hay fever and insect bites, sadly, so photos of anti-histamines say 'Spring' to me....

  5. I have to go with Mel. Spring means Zyrtec to me.

    And irises.

  6. Spring in Northern Nevada pretty much means snow and poor little frozen flower buds.

    But, those puppy prints sure make me happy!

  7. There is no out of the box here... We just got another 6 inches of snow, very typical for us to have a Spring dump:) It usually goes away quick enough... I get the dog prints too in my back porch!

  8. Washing on my line means the weather is changing for me. I love this idea and will visit Mortal Muses thanks. y
