Monday, March 14, 2011

She walked into our life . . .

Recently a friend of mine posted a story on her facebook page about a little terrier she had rescued from a shelter in Los Angeles (350 miles south of here) and was fostering.  There was something about that little face that spoke to us.  We took her to the baseball game:
Where she stole Clara's heart with her kisses:
Then, she came to book group with me:
As we heard more about her story, our hearts went out to this tiny four year old girl who may have been part of a backyard breeding program and then dumped on the street. She had been picked up as a stray with badly matted fur and weighing a mere 8 pounds.  With a little love from our friend who fostered her for a week, she was looking much better:
So, we brought her home to be part of our family:
She in sleeping quite contentedly in her bed right now, next to me while I work:
Our friend had named her Gypsy, and we decided to keep the name. It seemed to fit this sweet, sweet, spunky girl who walked off the streets and out of the shelter right into our hearts.


  1. Oh my goodness! I can see how she would find her way into your hearts. She's absolutely adorable! What a lovely addition to the family!

  2. Yay! There is nothing like a little puppy to care for - she is adorable and I love the shot of her giving Clara a kiss :-)

  3. Oh Rinda how sweet! Im longing for a little dog like Gypsy but my DS has an aversion to all dogs (Im glad he wasn't with me just now when I was confronted by 2 barking Great Danes on my way back from school!).Oh well maybe one day .... I live in hope xx

  4. She is so sweet! Bless you for giving this puppy a home.

  5. She is exactly the kind of dog TSO and I would like - if we lived in a house which was right for a dog, which we don't. I'm not at all surprised that she has stolen your hearts - she has found a good home!

  6. So glad you have found another dog to love,Rinda...and especially one that desperately needed a loving home....and how cute is she!

  7. How adorable! Lucky Gypsy to have found such a loving home.

  8. What a blessing! You will be so happy. I can still send you Zac and Finn via plane. :)

  9. Rinda, what a wonderful story. So glad you have found such a sweet new addition to your family!

  10. What a sweetie! Poor little baby, to be just dumped onto the street. So wonderful of you that you offered her a home - I understand that you all love her and she will love you!

  11. What a gorgeous little dog - you are extremely lucky and so is she :)

  12. Rinda,she is absolutely gorgeous and what a lovely home she has come to. She looks very happy.Look forward to seeing some layouts very soon! xx

  13. She's such a cutie, I can totally understand how she won your hearts! And what a lucky girl to belong to you and your family xx

  14. I can see why Gypsy won you all over! She is adorable - what a great friend who fostered her so that she could join your family!

  15. She is just precious Rinda. God Bless you for taking her in.

  16. what a precious little puppy, such a sad story for her to have endured such hard times at such a young stage. Thank goodness she has a home now and a family who loves her.

  17. What an adorable dog - I'm sure she will bring you lots of fun and photo ops!

  18. What a wonderful story Rinda :) Gypsy looks to be so happy with you and your family, she is safe and sound; something we could wish for all animals.

  19. :o)!!! LOVE this!!! During our webcam crop yesterday we introduced Carrie's dog, Marcus who is also a rescue story dog. One of the ladies mentioned your new pet and that her name is Gypsy. SOOOO cute. I'm so glad for you guys, Rinda. She'll be an awesome family member for you all!

  20. she is so cute!!! i'm glad she decided to adopt you (isn't that how it seems to work?!) :-)

  21. Awww! Love the story, love the puppy and love the love!

    Welcome home Gypsy!
