Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Something very different

I made this collage way back in October but had never gotten around to finishing it.  During my Sunday class with Connie, I brought it along to get some suggestions for how to finish it.  All it really needed was a little highlighting in some of the painted areas. I love Frida Kahlo, and it was fun to make this tribute to her.  Blog friend Sian sent me a fabulous link to a blog post about why it's good to blog like Frida. Click here to read it. The October class was called skeleton portraits and is definitely one of the most unusual classes I have taken (and I've taken quite a few unusual classes!). What's the oddest or most unusual thing you've ever created?


  1. This is very intriguing, and yes, it reminds me of Frida Kahlo's art as well. I'm usually not so very much for skeletons, but I really like this collage - perhaps of the beautiful background?

  2. Love how alive the piece is, in contast to the skeletons. Have just read Lacuna by Barbara Kingslover in which Frida Kahlo is a central character - really enjoyed the novel.

    The strangest thing I have created is woolen jumpers for small penguins - the rescue centre needs them to keep penguins warm after they have had oil washed off - I made them colourful and patterned

  3. this collage just captures the viewer and makes us look. i love frida, too. i went to her home in mexico city a couple years ago and it really made me understand her in a more complete way.

  4. I'm glad you liked the link :)

    What an intriguing piece this is - I've been looking at it and looking at it and I keep seeing new things. I like it!

    Strange things I've made? Mmm..don't know. I was asked to make a hobby horse with a camels head once, does that count?

  5. This is very different! I have to admit, when I first saw it I didn't like it, I found it 'creepy'. But the more I look at it the more interesting I find it and it doesn't seem 'creepy' at all now.

    Strange things I've made? I knitted a 'gonk' when I was a teenager - looked like an egg with features, sticky up hair and a nappy!

  6. Hi, Maria! I absolutely love this piece. the colours are so rich and I think that you other works are equally fabulous :)

  7. Oh my, such an interesting piece! I've enjoyed looking at your other recent work, too (soon I hope to get back into my regular routine of blog visiting, but for now it isn't happening, so please take this as a comment on all of them!)

    PS Is it the one little word check-in this weekend? xx

  8. This is intriguing, It's fascinating in a spooky sort of way!Your use of colour is very clever as to me it warms the whole thing up x

  9. It's a very interesting piece,Rinda....though I do find it a bit unsettling....I do love the rich background.

  10. Oh Baby! This is different and oh so very cool or hot! Love this most incredible collage!

  11. It is an unusual concept, but one thing is certain, the skeleton heads do look real! The most unusual thing I made?? Slightly related to your collage... in my Grade 12 Art Class we were asked to create something by combining an animate object with an inanimate object... I choose to draw a head coming out of a shoe... My art teacher liked it :)
