Thursday, September 2, 2010

September Lessons (part 1)

So, I started a new class, "Learn Something New Everyday" at  Although I'll be creating pages for it everyday, I don't want it to take over my blog, so I'll just post a bunch of pages every few days or so.  I'm using a stack of 4.5"x6.5" chipboard pieces which have been covered with Basic Grey paper.  You can see the front and back covers in the top picture above. For each daily lesson, I'm just embellishing with a simple stamped image. I'm hoping it will be a good way to get reacquainted with my huge stamp inventory.  Each day, I'm making a list of the various lessons I learned that day on my ipad and then will choose one lesson to feature each day.  Here's my first two lessons:
1.  You never know how long a task will take.  I've been putting off renewing my drivers license because I thought it would take forever, but I did it online today in two minutes. One more good reason not to procrastinate.
2. Time does help the heart to heal.  It's been a year since Buster's been gone and while I still miss his gentle presence and wildly wagging backside, I no longer think I catch a glimpse of him out of the corner of my eye or instinctively glance around for him first thing in the morning or when I come home.
And here's some lessons learned that didn't make the journal:
* You never know what you will find when you clean up. I've been organizing my craft desk and found a brand, new, unopened set of acrylic stamps (soccer-themed). I vaguely remember buying these last spring!
*I am actually okay with summer being over. I'm happy to have the kids back in school and to be getting back into a routine after all the fun freedom of summer.
*Clara and I really do wear the same size shoes. When I picked her up from school today, I noticed she was wearing my new Van's!
*It's okay to change plans. I had planned to drive up to work today but decided to stay home and play because it was such a gorgeous, sunny day and because I had not pressing business.
*Plaster dries really fast in the sunshine. Living on the foggy coast, it takes forever some days, but today it was a joy to work with!


  1. One of the things I love about this class is the awareness it creates. Little and big things are going on all of the time and I love that I take notice ... it's good for the soul and for creativity!

    Love your pages so far Rinda :-)

  2. love the 'stamp and write' format. Glad your task took less time, so often it takes longer

  3. The size of these is perfect for what you have planned, just big enough for one observation and appropriate stamp. Nice and simple but so effective.

  4. Love the way you're doing this,'s given me an idea for my JYC.
    You're so right with No. 1...I'm always putting things off...and they are usually much easier than you think.

  5. Lovely simple way of doing this - you are sure to be able to carry this through to the end! And that's a good thing. I enjoyed your observations too - we're in the same size shoes too here but I suspect she'll out grow me soon.

  6. LOL! About Clara wearing your new vans!! Cynthia can wear my shoes, but she has Ontiveros narrow feet so my shoes are usually too big. Vanessa is wearing a 1/2 size bigger then mine! You are so creative!

  7. Love these, Rinda :-) I thought I recognised Basic Grey! I love how you've found just the right stamp to illustrate each lesson xx

  8. I'm really enjoying your LSNED pages on Shimelle's class forum, but I just had to comment directly to you today. As an owner of two aging dogs, my heart stops every time I see a memorial page for a beloved pooch. Your page for LSNED today is a beautiful tribute to dear Buster.

  9. Beautiful! I love your journalling - something I really need to work on!

  10. Just a perfect format for Learn Something New. I have my journal open (as Shimelle suggested) and a list going, but the pages haven't been started. This does seem to be the pattern every September!

  11. tooooo funny about your CDL, i have to renew mine by Oct and i'm totally procrastinating on it.. and Angleina is getting closer to my shoe size, she does share shoes with my cousin ... and i'm finding all sorts of treasures (tho nothing unopened that i forgot about, so far) while cleaning my room. Love hearing about your lessons!


  12. great lessons that always need to be reviewed. i'm sure you will have fun going through your rubber stamps for this project. i have so many and should get them out more often.

  13. Love these simple stamped cards with their gentle colours. A great way to reacquaint yourself with your stamp collection too!

  14. [url= ]у кого после СМОГА испортилась кожа? [/url]
    Мне 18. На 2-семестре 1-го курса я перевелась на ГВД, т.к.знакомая предложила мне работу администратором в фирмы где сама работает менеджером.Я согласилась,работа около дома,раб.день с 10.00 до 18.00, кроме всего прочего деньги мне не лишние...Первые 1,5-2 месяца я работала "за спасибо".Это было что-то вроде испытательного срока,обучения меня к работе,но и научить меня толком ничему не научили,сама научилась со временем. Когда уже меня приняли на работу,о зарплате сказали (так мне передали слова директора): "....ну пару месяцев пусть 15 000р,а потом прибавим...".Так вот,я работаю уже полгода с хвостиком,а мне так и ничего не прибавили! Этих денег мне не хватает даже для того оплатить за инстит. Подскажите молодому работнику,как начать диалог с начальником о повышении зарплаты??? (главный офис находится в СПб.а наш филиал в Москве,директор поэтому "проживает"в Питерском офисе,и у нас появляется только когда рабочие мероприятия) Что надо делать верно,чтобы для того меня ещё и не выгнали из-за такой просьбы???))
