Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First Day of School: the bigger picture

School started for the kids last Wednesday, and there's some details I want to jot down before I forget them.   But, before I go there, let me note the bigger picture:  I am so grateful I have these two wonderful, healthy children in my life.  I'm not sure how we got so lucky, but I thank God we did.

Clara is such a funny mix of independence and clinginess.  She wants to do most everything for herself but will still give me a hug when she hasn't seen me for a while. She's very conscious of her appearance, and she just got her hair straightened before school started.  She also had her first facial and a consultation with my estetician so she could learn about how to take care of her skin and about the proper types/ways to wear make up. She's going to continue swimming and working with her math tutor this fall but feels pretty confident about school. She loves to text her friends, play with her cat, watch DeGrassi on TV, read Judy Blume and beg us to get her another pet (usually a dog). She takes the bus to increase the amount of social time she has with her friends.
Henry is such a young man. He loves to practice driving and has become quite good at staying on top of his own schedule. He's finally self-motivated about personal hygiene. He still wants me to drive him to school everyday but is content to take the bus home. He's looking forward to fall baseball and the start of soccer season. He talks to friends on facebook and sometimes via texts. He's following the S.F. Giants and hopes they make the playoffs.  He likes to watch silly reality shows on MTV and loves hip-hop music.


  1. I loved DeGrassi at Clara's age and I'm so glad to hear about the self-motivated hygenic teenager!;-)

  2. The teenage years are tough ones for a parent to survive! Teaching independance and being brave enough to let them 'fly solo'. Sounds like you have two healthy and happy kids there, thanks for sharinga few more details of their lives.

  3. I know exactly how you feel, even at 24 I still look at Krissy and think 'Wow, how did I deserve a kid like you!" And am grateful every day for her. WOOT WOOT

  4. You certainly have two beautiful, handsome and healthy young people in your life! I love to read all the interesting stuff you write and scrap, about the successes and events in their lives - it makes them seem very real. They are special kids and it's obvious they have very special parents too!
    My DS is just approaching his 13th birthday (he is counting down the days now!). He has a variety of interests and hobbies, is well motivated and happy at school - he just left for his first day back, looking forward to seeing his friends and finding out what the term will bring - and he's starting to show more independence and motivation to take care of himself. I am so grateful to have him and for the joy he brings into our lives!
    Thanks for sharing with us, it's lovely!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. A lovely post. It's so interesting to see how kids grow at different rates and become independent about different things. My DD is 12 and fiercely independent but still looks quite little. My Ds is 15 but easily looks 18 and still loves a chat with his mum whenever he gets in from school. Great little aside about the personal hygiene - getting them independent on that front is a big one!

  7. What a lovely post- it's amazing how they are all so different with their likes and habits and emotions.Made me smile about the personal hygiene bit too..having three boys I can relate to

  8. Aw, I love this post, Rinda. What a great way to document the sweet little things about each of your kids at this time of their life. It was fun reading about them.

    All the best to them (and you) in the upcoming school year! xo

  9. How gorgeous and how grown up are your lovely kids? :-)

    I just love how you've summed them both up in this 'now' post. Do you plan to scrapbook these details?

  10. what a great snapshot of your great kids!! love Clara's hair and that's great that she reads Judy Blume, Angelina's not into her books, she's reading Eragon right now, so i can't complain :D


  11. What good-looking teenagers you have at your house. I hope they read your blog! :-)I hope they look just as happy mid-year as they do now. I love all our first-day-of-school photos.
