Sunday, April 18, 2010

Week in A Life Art Journal Day 1 (Easter)

This week, inspired by Ali Edwards' Week in a Life project, I'm featuring pages from my Art Journal which reflect typical, daily activities.  They are examples of using an art journal as a visual diary.  Here's the page I did about the way we spent Easter this year.  It was an odd day for me because we didn't really do anything special to celebrate it (no parties, egg games, etc.), but DS Henry did make paella as a homework assignment for his Spanish class. Painted background; framed with pastels.  Embellishments include Tim Holtz inspired tag, stampotique stamped image, transparency cut into cloud shape and stickers.


  1. Wonderful page Rinda, love the colour and the images to go with your thoughts. I like the idea of journaling the everyday too. Hugs Cherry XXX

  2. Love your page, great colours, look forward to seeing the rest.

  3. I like this one Rinda, the colours are so vibrant. It's funny how traditions change ... it might become a new one for Henry to cook at Easter? :-)

  4. Today it certainly feels as if homework is very much part of our Sunday tradition! And no paella has been produced yet unfortunately. I'm looking forward to a week of your art journal now :)

  5. Homework was never like that when I was at school. Mind you, I'm not sure anyone in England would have known about Paella and we certainly didn't study Spanish! French was as exotic as it got round here!

  6. A great page, the colours and the way you've done the journaling.
    Thank you so much for your good wishes.

  7. Rinda! Guess what? You won Gauche Alchemy's RAK sponsored by Sherry Goodloe last month! Send me an e-mail with your snail mail addy so she can send her lovely artwork your way. gauchealchey attt cox dottt net

  8. Rinda, I like the background color you used for this art journal page.
