Saturday, April 17, 2010

On the Run (Ten Things)

It's a busy time in blog land this weekend . . . Shimelle is hosting a weekend crop and Ali Edwards is getting ready for her Week in A Life project. Meanwhile, in real life, we've got a full slate of activities, and I've been tagged by Karen to list Ten Things that Make Me Happy and Five Random Facts.  So, here goes:
Ten Things that Make Me Happy:
1.  Watching my kids play sports.  DS Henry (above) is in the midst of baseball season. DD Clara is playing basketball and swimming.  I love watching their enthusiasm and feel blessed to have two healthy children.
2.  Hanging out with my husband.  Last night, we had grilled hamburgers and margaritas.  Then we watched a few episodes of "Life on Mars" on DVD. It's a really fun TV show that only ran for one season. A few other shows we have enjoyed watching together over the years include The West Wing and Couplings (a BBC show).
3.  My iphone.  Love having the internet in my pocket.  Love playing the "Words with Friends" scrabble app. Love posting pictures to facebook when we're out and about.
4.  My new camera bag from epiphanie.  It's bright red and even has a cool name: Lola.
5. My car - DH bought me a BMW328i for our 25th wedding anniversary in December.  I've wanted a BMW 3-series car ever since I was 20, and it really is a joy to drive.
6.  My work.  I am a law professor at the University of San Francisco School of Law.  I love teaching my students, and I love the research I do, primarily on immigrant workers.
7.  Creating.  Photography, art journaling, collage, scrapbooking and cards.  Love it all.
8.  Friends.  I enjoy the time spent chatting, talking and laughing with my various groups of friends.  And I enjoy my group of cyber-friends!
9.  Sleeping late. I hate the fact that five days of the week my alarm clock goes off at 6:30 am, and I have to get up and get the day started.  Conversely, I love the days when I can sleep late.
10.  Completing projects.  This week I've been working on "finishing" a few art projects.  It gives me such satisfaction to declare something done.
5 Random Things about me:
1.  I have five brothers and sisters and 51 first cousins.
2.  I write about contemporary uses of the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (that's the one which prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude).
3.  Even though we're Americans, we're a Manchester United family and we've been in Europe during the last three European Championships.
4.  I know how to read tarot cards, and people tell me I'm pretty good at it.
5.  Here's a random "Photo Essay" I created yesterday.  It's called "Struggling" and shows our team's pitcher working his way through a tough period in the game.  It's random because it's not my child, and I'm not even sure what I'm going to do with it.  But I like it anyway:


  1. Rinda, these facts about you are fascinating :) I am so enjoying getting to know you and building up a picture of you and your family. Your job sounds fascinating :) Is it too much to hope that you might make it to Ireland again sometime in the future? :)

  2. Nice to get know more about you. We loved West Wing too. And my younger son is a Man U fan!

  3. So interesting to learn more about you and your life!
    Life on Mars has a sequel 'Ashes to Ashes' the second series of that is showing on UK TV now. Love the music and the fashion, takes me back to my youth!
    Manchester United? You fans get everywhere. Our household is Tottenham Hotspur so not sure I should approve of you supporting Man U ;-)

  4. So much I didn't know about you...particularly that you're a law professor and in a previous post I'm telling you that you should be teaching concise! You must have gotten a good chuckle. I know I am.

  5. I love it! I find myself taking photos like this of my DS when he is playing. I love the interaction between players and between coaches and their players. Even though this isn't your boy it still tells such a story.

  6. Wow, quick response - I'm still thinking about my list! Really interesting to learn more about you :-) Love the pics too xx

  7. Wow you have 5 brothers and sisters! LOL! And your oldest brother is such a cutey!!!

  8. Wow Rinda .... I'm thinking of my list this morning as well!
    Family get togethers on your side must be a riot! I love having a larger family as well - always makes for thought provoking and stimulating conversation amongst the siblings ;-)

  9. Thanks for playing along. I loved learning more about you and your family. Wow, 51 first cousins---I have 13! I also loved West Wing. Tracy gave me Season 1 awhile ago. I should get it out and rewatch those episodes.

  10. Hello Rinda - I was just notified that you won the piece that I created for Gauche Alchemy last month!

    Please e-mail me your snail mail address and I will send the piece to you next week.

    Congratulations and I hope you will enjoy my creation *smiles*


  11. I guess I should have read the e-mail I received more thoroughly. It included your snail mail address. So, no need to let me know what it is *smiles*

    Ok, go back to enjoying the weekend!

  12. Great learning more about you - love 'Life on Mars' and 'Couplings' too. Your job sounds fascinating and rewarding. Hugs Cherry XXX

  13. Great to find out more about you,Rinda.

  14. I like your list of what makes you happy. I also have 5 brothers and sisters but never counted up the cousins. Off to do that now!

  15. Wow, Rinda, this is a great post. So nice to get to know more about you. You're a law professor AND an artist?!?!? Awesome. :o) Fun post!
