Monday, April 26, 2010

House Party Check-In and Blog Hop Information

Where I Grew Up (Art Journal Page)
I made this page in response to this prompt on the Creative Therapy blog, "Where did you grow up?"  I happened to grow up in a real neighborhood in Southern California - full of children playing outside all the time.  Journaling is on the clouds (which are cut from a transparency and adhered with white paint.  I like how I used a paper doll on this and some houses made out of plaster.

Speaking of houses . . . I wanted to do a quick check-in on the house party and give out some blog hop information.  First, please email me at if you signed up to participate and have not received your house supplies.  The complete list of sign-ups is here.
Second, it's time to put together our blog hop!!! I'd like the Blog Hop to start on Saturday, May 1, at 10:00 p.m. California time (that makes it sometime Sunday morning, May 2 in the UK).  Let me know if you think that's too soon. Otherwise, we'll go with that date. If you have a blog, it is very easy to participate in a blog hop.  If you don't have a blog, it is a very easy way to go stop by everyone's blog and check out their houses. I have sent an email with the following information to everyone on my list.  If you didn't get the information, please email me, and I'll resend it.  
If you want to participate in the blog hop, please email me at with your blog name and address.  Please put "House party blog hop" in the title, and I'll take it from there.  To participate in the blog hop, all you need to do is:
1.  Email me with your blog information to let me know that you're "in." Please email me with this information by Thursday, April 28.
2. Complete your house by May 1 at 10:00 p.m. California time.
3. Create a blog post, with a picture of your house, and schedule your post to "live" at the blog hop start time.  Please use the title House Party Blog Hop as the title of your post.
4.  Put a link in your blog to the next person in the blog hop circle, so that readers can click on the link to go to the next blog.  I'll send around a list of who links to who after I hear from everyone.
I know it may sound complicated, but it's really not.  Eight of us did a Creative Circle Blog Hop last year, and you can check it out here to get an idea of how it works.  Everyone so enjoyed the last blog hop, and it's a great way to get a little more attention to your blog.  I hope you decide to play along!
I have heard from the following already:
Liz L, Ruth, Nancy, Lizzie, Deb K, Deb A, Karen, Sharyn, Cherry, Julie, Sian, Margi, Jacky, Elizabeth H., Amy and Cheryl. Woohoo!!!  It will be quite a party


  1. This journal page has wonderful texture Rinda - I'd love to be able to thumb through the entire thing in real life.

  2. Looking forward to your blog hop!

  3. Love the art journal page, and I'm so excited for the house party blog hop on Saturday!!! xo

  4. Another great little Art Journal page. I like the journalled clouds, the little paper doll - and those houses are so cute!

    Sixteen of us for the blog hop (so far)! It will be quite a day!
    Must get to work on my Post and get my House photographed.
    I'm out scrapping on Sunday, so I'll have to catch up on the fun when I get home at tea-time!

  5. I emailed you just a little while ago, before my blog catch-up! I'm definitely in, and can't wait :-)

    Like Amy, I would so love to be able to see your art journal work in person! It must be so tactile and full of texture xx

  6. the house party and blog hop sounds like lots of fun! i hope to get in on the next one if you do something like this again.

  7. Re the time difference, I think you are currently 7 hours behind GMT. So, if you go live at 10pm Saturday, UK posts should be set to go live at 5am Sunday. How does that sound?

  8. I'll be in Fresno for the weekend, so I'll get it scheduled to post before I leave. Not sure how much time I'll get on DD's laptop!
