Saturday, March 27, 2010

Stuck on Scrapbooking

One of the prompts for Shimelle's Something from (almost) Nothing class this week was to use stickers on a layout.  I have been working on getting rid of stickers for a while, and I think I would be content to never buy another sticker in my entire life.  This was a really nice realization for me.  I hope I can stick to it (so to speak).
The only exception are stickers for layouts of kids' activities.  To me, these still tend to work. I also have a bunch of alphabet stickers. Here's three layouts I did - all for Clara's album.  My favorite is the one up top of Clara participating in Jr. Guards at the beach.  During the summer, she's there everyday from 10-3.  
What's your current view on stickers in scrapbooking?
I've got some fun things planned for my blog this week:
Monday - a spring card and more insight into my life
Tuesday - a call for feedback and a chance to win a prize
Wednesday - March Class Review
Thursday - a cool surprise, featuring something I've never done before!


  1. stickers with words and alphas are still a mainstay in my scrapping - never really got into other kinds of stickers. Love the vibrancy of your layouts

  2. When I first started scrapbooking I used stickers a lot [and I think most people did] but now I rarely use them and have given most of mine to school for the kids.I do still use alpha stickers...and love Thickers.
    These are great pages of your how you always manage to get so many pics on a page.

  3. The only stickers (outside of letters and numbers) that I have are ones that have been donated by scrap-friends who have had a clear out of stash, parts of a kit I haven't used or remnants from a crop day. I agree with you though, they do seem to work on child related pages!
    However, my collection of alphabets is growing nicely!

  4. I was never a fan of stickers and usually gave them away when they came in a kit. I never actually bought a sticker. In digital scrapping, I always delete the stickers from a kit. Since I never use them it's one less item I have to organize.

  5. I've never really used stickers for scrapbooking, but I must say you really can make them work! Your layouts are so fun, and the use of stickers makes them so.

    Fun to see a list of things you have planned for your blog this week. I can't wait till Thursday...

  6. Those are such beautifully laid out pages Rinda I would love to be able to pore over them in real life! So much to see and what a record Clara will have. Fantastic.

    I like the idea of the "what's coming up". I like to have soemthing to look forward to :)

  7. Rinda I love your double-page layouts. They are always so well laid out and full of fab. photos. Your family will have such a wonderful record of their growing years!
    I do like stickers, though I also have a number of these that are still waiting to be used. I think that's more down to the "if I use them then I won't have them to use" mentality though... something Shimelle's course has been dealing with really.
    There are so many great stickers available for children's and sports activities -and they can be such a cheap and effective way of adding interest to a page.

  8. Great LOs. I go through phases with stickers, sometimes I use them and sometimes they lie in my stash pile!

  9. I have huge amounts of stickers from the early days of scrapbooking when I didn't know there was life beyond Papermania.. I can't throw anything out so they remain in my stash! I don't use them often (apart from letter stickers, which I love), but I must admit I really enjoyed using them in Shimelle's sticker challenge last week!

  10. Your layouts are beautiful as always! I still like stickers, but then all I do is kid things. I actually haven't scrapped since the Squiggler was born, but hopefully that will change soon. I just hate to leave her and I can never scrap at home. I have pixs for Clara!I will try to send them this week!

  11. I like stickers. I use them digitally all the time

  12. Wow, Rinda, you are a pro at multi-photo layouts! Wonderful job! As for me and stickers, I do love them if they are of the alphabet or journaling spot variety. I don't really purchase or use any other type of sticker.

  13. Love your layouts :-)

    I'm not a big fan of stickers generally, other than alphas (which I *love!*) I tend to find it hard to make them look good on cards or layouts :-( But I have seen them used beautifully on other people's layouts - I think I need to just scraplift one of those ideas to get my stickers used up!
