Sunday, March 28, 2010

Signs of Spring and a Story

Spring has definitely sprung here in northern California! I've noticed an abundance of California golden poppies - the state flower and one of my favorites.  And the other night, I actually settled down in front of the television to watch a San Francisco Giants game with my boy!  
He's also settling into his first year of High School baseball . . . another sign of spring.  He had "lost" his spot as starting shortstop during the preseason because  he was acting a bit lazy in practice and he was not hitting well.  Even though he was the starting pitcher for the league opener, he yearned to get back to the infield.  When the other short stop made a few errors, the coach gave him a chance to "earn" his spot back.  His fielding has been impeccable (it always has been his strength) and he's had a great on-base percentage.  The other day, he was all smiles when he reported that his coach had said, "You do know that you stole your spot back and ran away with it, don't you?"

Has spring sprung where you are?  What signs of spring do you see?


  1. Altho the temps have dropped again it is definitely spring in mid MI,,,,my violets, thankfully hardy ones, have blossomed and they make the season start so gorgeous.

  2. Definate signs of autumn (fall) down here in the southern hemisphere - lovely colour tinging leaves, cooler evenings and early morning, apples and root vegetables in the shops

  3. Definate signs of Spring here....all the Spring bulbs popping up, much lighter evenings,plenty of rain!!
    But they are now warning of a return to snow....I really hope not!!!

  4. Hehe I could tell the same story with a UK twist..TTO has his place this spring in the 1st Eleven Cricket team because he has worked hard on his batting. He is a talented bowler, but you really need to be able to do both to stay at the top! The pressure on them can be hard to watch, though.

  5. Ah yes...spring has sprung here in Arizona. There are lovely smelling blossoms on all the citrus trees around here and allergy season is in full force!

    Great sport shots of your son, Rinda! We have baseball's spring training going on this time of year so lots of out-of-state visitors come to watch the games. Fun. I love baseball!

  6. Lovely shots of your boy, Rinda. Great to see a boy so involved in his sport!

    Yes, Spring has definitely decided to arrive here. I went for a walk yesterday afternoon, with my DS. We went to the nearby river and there were buds on some trees and blossoms on others. Daffodils and hyacinth are out now, with no more sign of the snowdrops or crocus flowers. There were wood violets everywhere -it's a good year for these lovely little flowers.
    Even at after 4pm, it was a lovely afternoon, though it turned a bit chilly by 5pm.
    Spring is here -though today it is cold and windy!

  7. I always thought spring was March winds, April shows, May flowers. How come, on the east coast, we've had nothing but rain all March? I think Mother Nature is a little confused. Can't wait to see what April brings.

  8. Mark cleaned out the fountain in the backyard so it's on again and I can listen to it and see flowers blooming while I work in my studio - aka the garage!

  9. Lovely card, Rinda, and geat action shots of your son! Very Spring-like here.. the trees have just got their blossom this weekend, I love it!

  10. We've really been enjoying your California spring the last week and a half. We're headed back to the northeast tomorrow where it's been quite cold and gray while we've been away. If we're lucky there might be daffodils blooming in our yard, but most likely we'll have another several weeks before we really get any spring.

    Congrats to your son. I loved watching my kids play sports.

  11. spring was just starting to arrive here . . . but now it's cold and wet again, even snow forecast for easter weekend . . . boo to bad weather!

  12. Yay! Congrats to your boy :-)

    The trees are starting to bud round here now - can't wait for the blossom to break out, then it really will feel like spring :-)
