Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring Art Journal Page & Housekeeping

Recently I blogged about the signs of spring around my house . . . poppies and baseball, mostly.  Yesterday I turned those ideas into an art journal page.  The journaling is the opening lyric to a baseball song called "Centerfield." It reads "Well, beat the drum and hold the phone - the sun came out today!  We're born again , there's new grass on the field. . ."  You can check out a video featuring the song at this link.  It meets the call for Art Journal Friday at The Scrappy Tree and just makes me happy because of the color and content.

Something else that makes me happy?  Happy mail from amazing, thoughtful blogging friends.  Mel who lives in the UK often posts pictures of the food she eats.  Recently, she posted about Mars bars, and I went on and on in my comment about how we adore Mars bars but are unable to get them here in the states.  (We have a pale imitation in Milky Way bars here).  On Monday, totally out of the blue, I received a Royal Mail package stuffed full with Mars bars from Mel! Simply amazing - it made my day! Heck, it made my week!!!  I haven't told the kids because I'm planning to surprise them with the treats in their Easter baskets on Sunday.  Thanks Mel!!! You're the best!

Finally, if you're looking for my review of March classes, I had to put the post off until Saturday because Shimelle's class is continuing through Friday.  Look for the review on Saturday.  In the meantime, take a few minutes to respond to my queries about blogging, here, if you get a chance, and please come back tomorrow to check out my latest adventure.


  1. Oh my, Milky Ways are nothing like Mars bars! Your kids' eyes are going to pop out of their heads on Sunday and you are going to earn serious amounts of 'wonderful mum' points!
    Mel's blog always makes me hungry and her recipes are great. I didn't realise that scrapbooking could make me gain weight ;-)

  2. I love that happy yellow colour on your page!

    I've been back to check out the comments to yesterdays post..I'm really interested in the responses and I'm looking forward to more of your own thoughts on this one :)

  3. Love this piece Rinda..colors, design, all of it!

  4. Rinda, Spring is my favourite time of year and Yellow & Orange my favourite colours... so your journal page is just right for me! I like the song quote too.

    Mars Bars eh! Nothingn like Milky Way bars... I love them too, but have to stick to the "fun size" bars - the full size are just so sticky & rich...
    Did you know there are Mars Bar ice cream bars here in UK as well (but I don't think I or Mel had better try posting off any of those to you!!)

  5. I love your art journal pages and this is so bright and cheery. Well done!

  6. Those lyrics just sum up how I'm feeling about the weather here lately. Snow on the hills this morning??? It's April 1st tomorrow. Is this a joke???

  7. I've got a recipe for mars bar trifle if you're interested!!

  8. Thanks for sharing this with The Scrappy Tree Rinda, it is so cheery and springy and very beautiful! I too, love that song, it really does make a person want to run in green grass or Play Ball!


  9. Very cool! I love the yellow! Thanks so much for sharing this!

  10. You're so welcome xx Glad they went to a good home! ;-)

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