Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Last Dance (Art Journal Page)

On Sunday, I got together with some friends to scrap. I worked on DD's "school days album," which catalogs her activities in elementary school.  Even though she's in 6th grade, I was working on her 4th grade year and came across pictures from her dance show show that year.  They brought up such strong emotions, that I decided to do an art journal page about them.  For those in the shimelle class, notice my nicely pleated ribbon! You can click on the page to enlarge it and examine it.  I drybrushed gesso over the photograph.
Here's the journaling:
"Fading memories . . .
They say that scrapbookers are really good at scrapping the first . . . the first tooth, the first step. But we often miss the last . . . the last time you read your child to sleep or the last time you walk them to the bus.  When I scrapped this ballet show two years ago, I didn't realize it was the end of dance.
But now I do, and it makes me a little sad.  Basketball and swimming are fine, but I miss this . . .
The End . . ."


  1. What a beautiful page - lovely use of ribbon as well!

  2. A wonderful page....and the journaling is so poignant.The effect on the photo is perfect for this page.

  3. so true we rarely scrap the last time - I like that as a mini album theme

  4. Boy, did this one speak to me today Rinda. I am finishing up my ribbon page for Shimelle's class and it is a photo of my daughter in her ballet outfit for the last time! I'm not good at "lasts"..I hate the end of the school year, even, it always makes me sad.

  5. What a great observation, and like you, I often did not know when I was witnessing the last of something. I missed nearly all the "firsts" (I was an event photographer in those days. I did get the first steps, but I didn't take many every day photos), and wouldn't have know some of the events were the last. The whole thing makes me sad. I wish I could go back and capture some of the pictures I have in my head!

  6. Silly, but this really touched a cord & made me cry!
    I used to read my son a bed-time story every night. We both enjoyed it very much, as we love stories. I liked re-reading old childhood favourites and discovering the huge wealth of modern children's fiction. He enjoyed the fun of my reading aloud - doing "the voices" and messing around. We both loved the closeness.
    Then I fell and injured my back. I was unable to even hold a book and had to stop the story-time. By the time I was able to resume it, he'd decided that 11 was too old for bed-time stories.
    We have a new bed-time routine - I still see him last of all, give him a kiss and hug, say good-night, god bless you etc.
    *** but I really miss those story times ***
    Perhaps I can lay it to rest.. I could photograph some of our joint favourites, along with a few of the "props" of childhood and scrap myself a page.
    I felt silly, crying about it. Surprised how sad I feel - I'd ignored it a bit until now, but this just caught me at a sensitive moment.
    You're right how we do miss those "last" moments, yet they can be just as precious as the "firsts".
    Thank you for sharing this, even if it made me sad. Sometimes, we need to feel that, so we can move on. I have such a wonderful son, who is growing up so lovely!

  7. Lovely layout,great colours and ideas. ANesha :)

  8. Aw...great journaling for a beautiful page. And I do like the pleated ribbon! I'm going to work on my page for the latest prompt today and I'm still not sure where I'm going with it.

    I love the look of the photo with the gesso over it!

  9. Yes, we do manage to scrap the firsts but I'll also try to remember the lasts -- now that I am aware of it.

  10. This is a great page Rinda, and such a beautiful story. Thanks for getting us thinking x

  11. that is almost exactly what i said about doing Angelina's last ballet performance... i feel your sadness...


  12. How true, we often don't know when the last time something will be as some habits with our childen just seem to disappear before we are ready for them to. Lovely LO.

  13. This brought back strong emotion and memories for me also Rinda. I so remember the last concert and while it was happening, broke into tears several times. Great page...
