Friday, February 19, 2010

Scrapbook Saturday

I'm knee deep in sports pictures right now.  I'm still creating them with the lessons in Debbie Hodge's Building Pages class.  The left page of this layout uses her "shelf" idea. And this next page is based on the concept of dividing a page:
I used a sketch of hers for this layout.  I'm not sure I'm sold on her idea of overlapping photos (a technique she employs a lot) for this layout, but I'm glad I gave it a try.  The last layout uses the technique of stacking photos to create a column:
I like how it gave me a space for a nice and visually interesting journaling block. All-in-all, I scrapped 11 pages today!  It was fun, but my altered art muse is calling.  Hope to do some houses and art journal pages this weekend.


  1. Eleven pages in a day?! That's pretty impressive. I love the way you are happy to experiment with ideas even if they are not to your immediate taste. The pages you have shown are great!

  2. 11 pages! You are a woman on a mission :-)
    I think the colour scheme you have chosen for the top double page looks fantastic - the photos pop out at me. And, yes the column at the bottom does leave plenty of room for journaling - it is a good idea.

  3. Just don't know how you manage so much in one day,Rinda.
    I love the right hand top page...lots of photos....some journaling.....and no white space at all!!!!

  4. I love the column layout--and 11 pages in a day? I'd be thrilled with that count at the end of a month!

  5. I like the stacking of photos, but not so much the over lapping. Your layouts look great.

  6. Wow - 11 pages in one day? Good for you. I love the look of the over-lapped photos too. I haven't created a scrapbook page in forever - just too many other projects on my plate. This post makes me want to do nothing but scrapbook all day!!! (But I'll be working on my niece's guest book this weekend.)

  7. 11 pages is about my count for a month, too! That's a fantastic total and it's fascinating to see Debbie's lessons coming alive. That shelf idea is a great one. Thanks for sharing your pages today.

  8. Well. I too am impressed with the idea of 11 pages in one day! I suppose it helps to have the layout ideas presented to you, as part of your course, but still... if I managed 11 pages in a month, I'd be pleased!

    I like these pages, especially the double layout at the top. It's a great structure for a group of photos. There's been so much emphasis on scrapping single photos, or a couple at a time, over the last year or two - it's good to see a return to scrapping a number of pictures in one layout and more double layouts seem to be the result of this - I like double pages!

    Feeling inspired... need to get on with my "Project 2009" album. Haven't done much in the last couple of weeks.. want to finish it! Thanks for the nudge Rinda - and for sharing your great layouts.

  9. 11 pages is quite impressive! Those are really nice

  10. Whoah! 11 pages?! You did some serious scrapping Rinda! These pages look great. I don't normally overlap photos either, but I like how your layout turned out!

  11. 11 pages?? Wow :) I am impressed! And if the ones you posted are anything to go by you are well on your way to a fantastic album
