Sunday, February 21, 2010

An Alice Challenge with a Rowhouse Prize

Alice's House of Numbers (altered Rowhouse)
This may be my favorite row house yet! Today, I finished the last three houses for the rowhouse swap in which I'm involved and blogged about here.  The baggie for this house had the harlequin paper, black paper, orange paper, number stamped image (on the roof), count quote, postage stamp and bubble thing.  I decided to go with a "Number" theme and added the white wood numbers, bingo card, numbers inside bubble thing, the ribbon and the mad hatter image from my stash.  It reminded me house much I love Alice in Wonderland images.  Since it's been a while since I've done a give-away and since I've had such good responses to the rowhouses, here is the challenge:
1.  Create anything with an Alice in Wonderland theme (very loosely defined).
2.  Post your creation in your blog with a link back to this post (or send me a pix of your creation if you don't have a blog).  You can also post in a forum if that's better for you.
3.  Post a comment here letting me know where to find your creation.
4.  I'll pick a random winner next Sunday, Feb. 27 at 9:00 p.m. California time.  The winner will receive all the fixings they need to make a couple of row houses!
How fun will this be???


  1. I LOVE Alice in Wonderland! Hope I have time to join in this week :)

  2. Hopefully I can join in as well - it'll be great fun to have a challenge!

  3. This sounds great fun,Rinda...I love Alice in Wonderland as well. I think this is probably my favourite of your houses as the way you've put it all so well.
    Did you notice Scrap 2010 have a 'white space' challenge this week??

  4. I love the creative inspiration Alice offers. I already have an Alice inspired page on my blog (so don't include it because it's a bit of a cheat lol) here it is:

  5. What a fun idea for a contest! I love Alice in Wonderland too, so I'll start thinking about what I can create...

  6. How very Alice in Wonderland is that quote! Not everything that counts can be counted.

  7. Oh, a great challenge! I hope I will find time to join in..
    I love your Alice house - very cute.
    I was wondering what a "Rowhouse" could be and had images in my head, involving little boats etc...
    We call these rows of houses "Terraces" or "Terraced houses"! You can have an End-of-Terrace or a Mid-Terrace house!
    It's such fun, how UK English and US English have evolved to have such great little differences.

  8. Your art inspires me, Rinda, glad you are feeling better, i dont know if i will be able to play, but hopefully.


  9. Rinda, I think you've seen's my fimo clay tile AIW mirror frame...

    Hope this link works.!

  10. lol - Alice is everywhere!! I already, coincidentally, have an Alice-themed autopost set for tomorrow (but it's not my own artwork so isn't my entry) - because of that I was already planning to make something Alice-y! I'll do my best to have it ready for the end of the week :-)

    PS Nearly forgot to say how much I love your house! x

  11. As soon as I saw it, and before I read your commentary, I thought to myself: this is the best one yet, and I loved the rest as well.

  12. Just popped back to say...I am VERY envious of your 3 classes with Tim.

  13. what fun - I'll have Alice ideas floating in my head all day at work. Love the house

  14. A lovely house - will need to see if I can find time this week to try something.

  15. I have a bunch of "Alice" stuff - I'll try to take a PSL time out to play.

  16. Have now started my Alice themed cards.You can find themhere

  17. I know you've seen my post already today but here's the link to my project :-)

  18. Hi Rhinda what a great idea and I've used an art journal for the first time ever! My creation Thanks for looking. Hugs Cherry XXX

  19. Well, I'm getting my entry in just in the nick of time. Better late than never, eh? I wanted it to coincide with my SIL's birthday. :o) You'll find it here.

  20. Much to my delight, I managed to get a project done for this challenge--and a challenge it was. I had no idea where to start, but ended up with a card (no surprise there). It's here.
