Friday, January 1, 2010

My word for 2010: Horizon (Art Journal Page)

After much thought, I've chosen the word "horizon" as my word for 2010.  There's something about it that suggests looking forward and moving toward a promising future.  That's how I feel about the New Year - I don't have set goals I want to accomplish like I did for last year.  Instead, I want it to be a year of striving for new and somewhat unknown accomplishments.  Maybe I'll finally write the book I want to on the Thirteenth Amendment.  Maybe we'll travel to Costa Rica.  Maybe I'll help the kids discover new talents and achievements.  Maybe my art and/or photography interests will take off.

I looked up definitions on the internet and found the following:

  • the line at which the sky and Earth appear to meet
  • the range of interest or activity that can be anticipated; "It is beyond the horizon of present knowledge"
I also found three quotes I like. 
  • "Only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find the right road."  Dag Hammarskjold
  • "We have always held to the hope, the belief, the conviction that there is a better life, a better world, beyond the horizon."  Franklin Delano Roosevelt
  • "Now, bring me that horizon."  Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean 
In celebration of my word, I created some art.  I hope you like it!  It was inspired by the art journaling class I'm taking, and it incorporates inspiration from Vincent Van Gogh.

Also, check out yesterday's post to find out how to win some of my special collage sheets!  You have until Sunday night (California time) to enter.


  1. great word - full of potential and I love the set of 3 quotes

  2. Wonderful Rinda! You have inspired me to choose my word. Have a wonderful New Year!

  3. Great word to chose....and love the quotes you've found.My word of the year is going to be 'aim'...and I have lots I want to 'aim' for.

  4. this is wonderful Rinda.
    Words can be so powerful. Wonderful choice!

  5. what a great idea! I'm going to think about it and choose a word myself. Youre art piece is wonderful and you chose a great word for the year.


  6. Great choice of word and a beautiful piece :) are you taking an online class?

  7. It's a great word and you have made a lovely page for it. Love the Van Gough-esque blue swirls, and the white flourishes, and the red bird... actually I think it's just lovely all round. The bright, hopeful yellow background makes it "pop" and all the elements go so well together. It's gorgeous!

  8. Beautiful Rinda - the colours are strong and striking - Von Gough is one of my favourite artists. Great choice of word too.

  9. Great choice of word and quotes to go with it. My word for this year is Focus.

  10. I love that Johnny Depp quote. Thanks for pointing me to simple but it says a lot!

  11. Thanks for adding us to your Google reader Rinda! I'm not seeing you on our followers list but I think that usually that would add you so I'm not sure what's happened there!
    We'll happily count you as a follower either way :)

  12. This page is beautiful, and so are the quotes you found.

  13. Rinda, you have always been an inspiration to me. My word is Gravity as I'd like to defy it in all I do. Now to find quotes that help me along the way.
