Saturday, January 2, 2010

I love these photos (taken at the San Francisco Zoo)

My friend Rebecca and I took the kids to the zoo last week.  I love going the week between Christmas and New Year's Day because it's never very crowded, and the animals seem very active.  The male lion was hamming it up for me.

This gorilla sat for a full portrait session.  I took about 12 pictures of him, and this one is my favorite.  He has such dignity within his sadness.

Finally, this polar bear who seems to have had enough of the holidays!  I hope you're enjoying your last weekend of the holiday.  Don't forget to take some time to enter my card recipe challenge, posted here.


  1. I love going to the zoo! Not one very near to here but I love to go when I get the chance :)

  2. Very very kewl pics you captured! I am still a zoo fanatic, go every change I get. I love the butterfly enclosure at the Detroit Zoo. It is just fun to have them land on me and feel their sticky little feet! LOL

  3. Excellent photos Rinda..I'll be interested to see how you use them in your art. All the very best for 2010!

  4. They are very good photos - I rarely manage to get good ones in a zoo - the animals always seem to be the other end of the enclosure, or asleep!

    As Sian says, it will be good to see what you do with them in your art. I can think of some ideas myself now.. maybe its time I went to the zoo too!

  5. Great photos....sounds like it was a perfect zoo day.

  6. Great photos! Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! ;-)

  7. Great photos Rinda - it would be the opposite here if we went to the zoo .... very crowded at this time of the year ... long school holidays so there would be kids, parents and grandparents everywhere! However, our zoo has special twilight openings in the summer with concerts etc - very cool.

  8. Great photos. I love the zoo, too. My daughter lives near San Francisco. I don't think she's ever been there. Maybe we can put it on the list when we are there in March.
