Monday, October 26, 2009

A New Rooster

Greetings fellow Shimelle-ites, and thanks for the comments. As I build this blog, I appreciate your visits. So, in response, here's another rooster. I bought it in Venice during the summer, 2008. As you will hopefully discover on this blog, I love to travel and often incorporate travel photography into my art work.


  1. Ooooo! Another rooster! Very cool. I have never really traveled and would love to in the future. I can't wait to see your photos. :)

  2. Looking forward to seeing your blog develop as we move through class, love the colours of the glass for your rooster. He's beautiful!

  3. Noticed the comment you left on Mel's blog (I Speak Melsh) and thought I'd come and leave your new blog a little love. Not taking Shim's class this time around, but you're welcome to pop by and ask some questions any time x

  4. I am no rooster lover :)
    But I am looking forward to see some of your work.

  5. Oh the colors are gorgeous! Looking forward to getting to know you through your art!

  6. very cool rooster. Is this one glass? I'd love nothing more than to travel to Venice one day, but I'll start with just going somewhere outside of the US. :-)


  7. I can travel through your blog: it's practically the same as doing it in real life, right? :)

  8. Love this rooster! Congrats on your new blog :)

  9. Hello, thanks for dropping by my blog and for your kind comment - I'm slowly catching up on all the return visits! I am _loving_ your roosters, and now feel like there's something missing from my own blog lol...

    See you in class!
