Sunday, October 25, 2009

My new blog

I'm taking a class with Shimelle on blogging for artists. I'm excited to get the process started. The title of my blog reflects my interest in the organic principles of Frank Lloyd Wright and the image of Gallo - Spanish for rooster - which influences, mainly in subtle ways, much of my art.

Here's the original Rooster, which I won at a school carnival when I was in grade school. I've carried it with me, through all my moves since then, and it lives in my kitchen.


  1. You did great and I'm looking forward too see more roosters ;)

  2. Well done. Hope to read more soon.

  3. Your blog looks wonderful! I love your rooster. :)

  4. i like how you got the text alongside the photo . . . makes it look a bit different :)

  5. Welcome to blog land! I've been doing it for awhile - let me know about the class.

  6. It looks great! Very cool that you've carried your rooster since you were little, the new one is absolutely gorgeous :)

  7. congrats on setting up your blog!
    looking forward to more posts of yours ^^

  8. I've been feeling the urge to blog but here you are actually doing it! Excellent.
