Tuesday, July 28, 2015

True Change Comes from Within (art journal page)

Made this simple art journal page over the weekend. It features some left-over paper printed during a recent print making class and a Dina Wakley stamp.
I made it thinking about my daughter, who just returned home from having spent a month in Peru. I know the experience will change her, but just realized that the changes may not show up for a while. When I think back on some of the biggest adventures in my life, I realize that they shaped me slowly and over time, rather than right away. I wonder where Peru will eventually take my girl . . . 


  1. Sarah came home from a 3 week stay in Swaziland (on the border of South Africa) with a new appreciation for the simpler life and what a "1st world problem" really means. It has changed her perspective on a lot of things. I'm sure you'll see some of that very subtly as the year goes on.

  2. I think you are right on; both of my kids had life-changing experiences growing up, but some of them didn't become evident for quite some time.

  3. What a great opportunity that trip was for her. She will have learnt so many life lessons.

  4. You are so right. It might be years before she looks back and realises how it has shaped her

  5. Your acute observation is so very tue - hoping it turns out to be life-enhancing for you all.

  6. I'm here from Cathy Geller's link on her post of the Summer Scavenger Hunt. Tho, it's too late for me to search for any on your list, this looks like a LOT of FUN.

    Are you going to do another one sometime soon? I'd love to join in on the challenge!!!

  7. ps...well, I just noticed on your sidebar, I'd have until September to complete your list? Maybe I WILL join in.

  8. I love seeing your art journal pages, I agree changes do not always show for a while.

  9. So pleased to hear she got back safe and sound. I agree with your sentiment; the day after I finished my walking pilgrimage, a lady asked me, "Did it change your life?" I could only say I didn't know yet. (Now I do, and yes - I just don't know exactly how.)

  10. Looking back I find it's true, some changes can be immediate but most of the ones that truly mold you seem to take awhile to be recognized by you. I love the texture and the inking behind the stamp.

  11. A lovely page & your reflections on it are so true. I can look back & see how things changed me, but it wasn't always apparent at first. So glad to hear she's home.
