Thursday, May 14, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Some Favorite Scavenger Hunt Photos

The 2015 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt is coming on June!!! You can read details here. Every year, the scavenger hunt leads me to some wonderful photos and stories. Remember trying to find a pirate in 2011? I do, and I was thrilled to stumble upon this one in Seattle, Washington. But not as thrilled as I was to find a unicycle with Deb of Paper Turtle (you can read that story here).
In 2012, I found this somber border in Belfast with Sian of From High in the Sky, which I blogged about here.
We searched for dinosaurs and tilted at windmills in 2013.
And last year I found a group of tired tourists in a lovely public garden.
I don't know what stories I'll collect this summer, but I'm looking forward to it!
Feel free to share news about the arrival of the Hunt and this year's official image on your blog:
And feel free to reminisce in a comment below. 


  1. I'm so looking forward to it. A welcome distraction from the stresses of exam season in our house. Thanks for hosting, once again, Rinda.

  2. looking forward to the 2015 version!!!

  3. :o) I clicked on your link and revisited that post where we found the unicycle together. Ah! That was such an awesome day!!! I've said it before, but I'll say it again, for the rest of my life I will never see a unicycle without thinking of you. Can't wait to see the new list for 2015! xo

  4. Some of those were the hardest to find! I didn't find a unicycle until the following summer, but was sure to get a photo! I don't think I've ever seen a pirate.

  5. I was sad that I didn't manage to do your hunt last year, Rinda, but this year is going to be different :).

  6. Not long to wait now! I have my camera battery charged and ready to go!

  7. I can't wait Rinda. I so love opening the list the first time and thinking "ooh I know where I can find that one" or equally "I haven't got a clue when I'll see that" and then the joy when I stumble across it! This will be my 4th year and even hubby wants to join in this year having seen me do it!

  8. happy anticipation here for the new list and wondering where I will find some of them - I remember keeping my eyes peeled for an angel - visiting churches and finding none and eventually happening upon one in the art college. I never found a beehive. I found a local labyrinth which I still visit.

  9. OOoooh, I'm so looking forward to it, Rinda!! I love looking at the list and considering where/what to do to get all the photos in! ;)

    I was a bit worried about your musings about this year's Scavenger Hunt, I hope you found a solution that will make things easier for you (I haven't read the other post yet).

    Things I remember ... mmmh... It was the Windmill from 2013 (I wanted a real one, not the wind turbine ones - and there are not many around near where I live). Or a tattoed person in 2014 ... or a bride in 2012 where I had to revert to taking a photo of a rubber stamp of a bride! :)

    Thinking outside the box doesn't always come easy to me, but I hope to apply that again this year! :D

  10. I'm still noticing birds on wires and have determined that the large collections seem to be more of a migratory pattern and happen in the fall around here. No birds on wires in the heat of the Summer!

  11. Can't wait to get started on this year's hunt! I have such great memories of previous hunts - Robbie & I taking a weekend drive to Abilene to find items on the list, hunting with Cheri in Corsicana, finds in Santa Fe, etc!

  12. Looking forward to it :) Tried to play last year but this year I will do better :)

  13. Looking forward to this year's list. My personal favourite : 'tattoo on a person'. I had to overcome my shyness to ask a heavily tattooed lady if I could take her picture! It was a real corker of a photo!

    I like the fact that I often have to really think about where I might get a photo.

  14. I remember John and I driving around and around looking for an angel in I think 2013 or 2012. You'd think it would have been easy but that one was hard. :)
