Sunday, May 31, 2015

Be Still #20/Photo Pairs: Catching Your Breath

In the still life photography class I'm taking, this week's assignment was no assignment. It was the second breathing break built into the class, in order to give students a chance to reflect on the lessons and catch up. For this week's assignment, I'm sharing two "found" still lifes, both taken at the Filoli Gardens.
These are very different, but I think they both capture the idea of being still and catching your breath. I'm linking them up with Helena's Photo Pairs this week. And asking, do you have a preference between these two?


  1. both very peaceful with nice space to breathe

  2. I love the photo of the part of the sundial - it focuses the eye on the minutiae and because of this you spend the time "seeing" so indeed you have slowed down time :)

  3. Both really peaceful, but I love the sundial.

  4. Both very peaceful, but my favourite is the sundial - it made me really look at it and therefore did indeed create a breathing space for me. J x

  5. Both peaceful, I prefer the sundial.

  6. I love that top photo - such a good reminder to stop and breathe.

  7. They are both so calm! Preference, I guess it would have to be the sundial one.
