Friday, April 17, 2015

Scrapbook Friday: Some Members of the Menagerie

I have a goal to scrapbook at least four layouts a month and share them on Fridays on my blog. Right now I'm working my way through photographs from 2014. I have a couple layouts to share today, both featuring some members of our menagerie. First up is Frida, the kitten who we adopted from the kitten nursery at the Humane Society, where Clara and I volunteered during that summer. The pictures include snaps from inside the nursery, the first day we brought her home and from when she had grown into a nice young cat who believes herself to be the Queen of the Printer!
Next up, the chickens! Well, the focus of this layout is actually their eggs. I have a different layout planned about building the coop and getting the chickens. This one focuses on them starting to lay and Clara starting "Clara's Farm Fresh Eggs," her egg business. For those of you who commented before about the colors of our eggs - our white hen, Laverne, lays white eggs. Our brown hens, known collectively as "the Buffys" because they are Buff Orpingtons and we can't tell them apart, lay brown eggs. And our two americaunus hens lay blue/green eggs.Clara's customers love the variety.
Both of these layouts came together really quickly because the Frida layout used a premade blank layout and the egg layout was actually a sample layout I made for a class I taught a many, many years ago when we used to have a local scrapbook store. I actually pulled off the photos from the sample layout and added these ones instead! I was really pleased with how well the egg layout matched the class sample. I had figured I was use the top blank layout for zoo pictures, but we rarely go anymore now that the children are grown. And I think it works reasonably well for the Frida pictures.
Don't you?


  1. I do indeed :). And when you have such great photos, a well-liked and preivously used template makes the whole process so much easier. Q' the P, indeed!

  2. I think both layouts are great. I just love those chickens---and their eggs!

  3. What I love about these pages is not only the number of photos, but also the way each photo has something to contribute to the story

  4. Such great pages! I miss our amercaunus & their blue eggs. The hens we have now only lay brown ones

  5. Great use of the old class page. I liked both pages and the number of photos you were able to use.

  6. It does work well Rinda. I used to have chickens and now it is my daughters turn - I always love to visit and see them. She has different breeds too, with different size and colour eggs.

  7. They're both great and I love the "Queen of the Printer" comment - funny how some pets just commandeer some things isn't it?
