Sunday, February 1, 2015

Setting an Intention for February: Scrapbooking

In January, I spent time on sketching to figure out where it fit in my artistic life. I found that I enjoy it and plan to continue with it. But, quietly, in the background. I also spent a lot of time with photography (especially still life photography) and found that I definitely plan to continue with this in a fairly major way.
In February, I want to focus on scrapbooking: where I am, where I want to be, and how I want to proceed in the future. Scrapbooking (after photography) was my first foray into the world of art and craft. It's faded from my life in the last few years, and I want to figure out where it fits. And this is the month to do that.
Any advice welcome.


  1. I've decided on digital scrapbooking for this year, and hoping to get it printed in book form at the end.

  2. Scrapbooking faded out of mine too. I'm bringing memory keeping back, this year, in the form of Project Life. I hope you find a way that suits you.

  3. I dont do as much scrapbooking now either, but after sorting out all my craft stuff recently, was thinking about finishing some of the albums I have started

  4. Scrapbooking as the industry for the most part portrays it has left my life as well. I think last year was my year to fight with it and the need to do creative memory keeping. From my forays into a little journal keeping, a little project life documenting, a little mixed media, a little color, a little photography are now coming together in one whole and so far very fulfilling project. I will be starting to give glimpses into my project starting next week on my blog. So far it is making me happy as I can still do it all, so to speak.

  5. Although I'm months behind, I've started working on catching up with my monthly Project Life pages. I do love them, and they meet my need to capture our lives through photos and stories. I have a daily journal and all my photos organized by month in Lightroom so actually it's not too hard to put the pages together even months after the event. I finished a huge month (May) in January, and hope to finish June and July in February. We have a lot of company coming this month so I'm trying to be realistic.

  6. Funny, scrapbooking was my first journey into the world of art as well. At that time I still didn't see photography as art perhaps because I grew up with it and enjoyed photography since I was ten years old? Because it belonged to my daily life for so many many years? I don't really know. Anyway, I haven't scrapbooked in a while and when I do it it's very occasional - when I get together with a friend for example. I don't think I really want to go back to it, but I don't want to abandon it completely either.

  7. Cardmaking was my first paparcraft love which quickly moved onto scrapbooking. I do still love to scrap but am exploring other creative outlets too at the moment. I am really looking forward to seeing some of your pages.

  8. I'd love to see you scrapbooking again! Maybe a few monthly roundup pages? Or how about going right back and making layouts with some old family stories

  9. I do less scrapbooking than I used to...but still love to come back to it every now and again....though I've mainly given up scrapping old photos and just try and keep up with an annual album,vacation album and my JYC album.
    I always love how many photos you manage to get on one page....and hope you do get back to doing some.

  10. Isn't it funny how our creative lives evolve? So many others who have also moved on from or changed their mode of scrapbooking! I'm doing LOAD this month and working mostly digital (the only way I can get a page done every day). I still enjoy scrapbooking, but it has definitely had to morph to fit all my other creative interests!

  11. I always complete a month by month for the year scrapbook. Ths year I am simplifying and doing it Project Life. I want to scrapbook our California trip too and this will be a mixture of PL and 12 x 12 pages. I'll be interested to see what you come up with.

  12. Looking forward to seeing what you decide to do with scrapbooking. I've always scrapbooked (even as a kid, although with different supplies, etc) and it's changed over the years. I've done Photo Album Scrapbooks and mini-albums and now lots of 12x12.

  13. I'm pondering memory-keeping too, Rinda. I'm thinking of a photobook (probably not PL because I love diversity of design too much!) and a stick-it-all-in-here book. I'm looking forward to seeing what you decide to do ...

  14. I've gotten away from it for a bit too but when I have been doing it it's digitally. I think books will take up a lot less room than albums. I'm looking forward to catching up on what you've been doing. PS - I tried commenting via my iPad while I was away but that just didn't work.
