Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Scrapbooking Pairs: Before and After

I've been doing a lot of scrapbooking lately, and one of my secrets to getting so much done is that I have a big bin of blank layouts/backgrounds. When I'm in a scrapbooking binge, I turn to these first to see if they work with any of my photos. It's a way of scrapbooking that works for me, although people are often dubious about how it works. So, for this week's photography pairs meme, hosted by Helena, I thought I'd show you the before and after.
Here's the blank layout:
And here's the layout filled with photographs from the kids' first day of school in 2011:
To see other pairs, check out Helena's blog here.


  1. great behind the scenes before and after

  2. I can see how it works: I think it's a great idea

  3. oh yes - how well this worked x

  4. That one certainly worked beautifully!

  5. I remember doing this with SHIMMELLE a few years ago...I was amazed at how well it actually worked xx

  6. Nice, I think I might have to revisit Shimelle's starting points too - a head start is always a good thing. Glad to see you are getting so much done.

  7. Such a great idea. If I could only get myself to actually scrapbook.

  8. What a great idea for speedy scrapping, I like it.

  9. Fun to see the difference - that blue all but disappears.

  10. Great idea for pairs! I have a friend who has several albums of blank layouts like these & she adds photos when she gets inspired. It works great for her, but I don't think I'd enjoy it as much. However, that's what I love about this hobby - there are so many ways to scrapbook and preserve memories that everyone can find a way that works for them.

  11. What a great idea for a pair and I like the idea of this.
