Sunday, February 8, 2015

Initial Thoughts on Scrapbooking

This month, I'm focusing on scrapbooking, trying to figure out where it fits in my creative life. I really appreciate all the comments you left about how you are thinking about scrapbooking and memory keeping. I got out a note book and started to jot down some thoughts and to-do lists.
My thoughts drifted to three themes: the old Creative Memories Philosophy "Start Current, Stay Current"; the idea that "Done is better than perfect'"; and the need to get something completed while organizing and figuring out where I stand with my unscrapped photographs. So, I decided to start by scrapping the photographs I received in this year's Christmas cards. I kept the layouts simple. I took a couple 6x6 Christmas paper packs and used them on top of plain card stock to create my back ground pages. I used little cut aparts that were included in the paper packs as my embellishments. I have a sample above.
 I have been scrapping Christmas card photos every year since 2001, and I am up to four albums of photos. I love looking at them each Christmas. I had fallen behind in this project and scrapped about three years worth of photos at a crop earlier this year, so it was nice to get this year's photos done so quickly. 
I also did some clean-up and catch-up in my older Xmas card photo albums. Even though I scrapped three years worth of Xmas card photos earlier this year, I hadn't done the journaling on them. So, I needed to go back and do that. I also had to put some pages back in an earlier album and create the cover of my currrent album (above) because it was a naked cardboard album. I created a Christmassy background using patterned paper and cardstock and then added a variety of hand made Christmas cards and post cards that I have received. I do that sometimes - incorporate the artwork sent by my blog and scrapping friends into my Christmas layouts. I kindof wish I would have painted the album cover edges, but, hey, done is better than perfect!
The other thing I'm working on this weekend is making three very simple photo books at Shutterfly featuring Clara's track and cross country photos from the last three seasons. I'll probably print out some running photos and scrap them on paper, too, but I really want to get the bulk of her photographs printed in a format that she can keep.
I also ordered some photographs from Shutterfly off my iphone of recent events that I can work on scrapping once they arrive. It was a somewhat frustrating process and am looking for alternatives. I also worked (unsuccessfully) on figuring out how to order photos from a new photo lab because I really like higher quality prints of photographs from my big camera. I'd welcome ideas from people in the U.S. about which photo labs they use for higher quality prints and also where you print photos from your iphone.


  1. The Christmas card scrapping is wonderful - what a collection to have. All mine are in shoeboxes: albums with added journaling would be much better.

  2. You have been busy Rinda. The albums are looking good and it is nice to catch up on projects.

  3. What a lovely idea to scrap all the Christmas cards you receive. I usually throw most of them away. I know that I won't scrap them and I don't want to keep them either (I'm cleaning out again!) with the exception of a few. But then I come from a country that doesn't have a big Christmas-card-sending tradition anyway.

    I usually print my photos at Shutterfly, and mostly when they have the "get 101 prints for free" etc. (of which I only order 99 to keep the shipping lower). I like the Shutterfly quality - I tried a few other ones like Winkflash and Snapfish, but didn't like that quality that much. I usually order my photos in a matte finish, not glossy. I can't tell you about iphone photos since I don't have an i- or smartphone.

  4. I like both those philiosophies :). And you've been super busy ... Those albums will be much enjoyed in years to come, and I like your simple and clean approach. I print any photos I use at home and on the wrong continent to offer any further help, alas.

  5. I've been happy with the prints from Shutterfly. I wait until they offer a good deal and then have lots of prints made at once. I do a lot of printing at home, and frankly, you can't tell the difference. Some of the paper I use here is better than the Shutterfly paper so there's actually nicer. I print my iPhone photos here, though I'm considering printing the photos I want from Collect at Persnickity when I finally get to scrapping photos from 2015.

  6. Those albums look fab. I've noticed this Christmas that over in the States you seem to get a lot of cards with photos on which are so nice to keep. The tradition over here is still for the illustrated/picture cards which though pretty aren't as fun to scrapbook!

  7. Fun to scrap your Christmas cards! Lovely to look back on.

  8. Love your christmas scrapping.
    I'm sure Clara will love having a 'running' photobook.

  9. I really like those Christmas card albums! I think the photo book idea for Clara's running photos are perfect. I usually order from Shutterfly, but for a little better quality print Persnickety Prints is the way to go. I get my digital layouts printed there & they are always very nice.

  10. Well, great minds think alike - Sian's card has ended up on a layout of my Christmas photo cards as well.

  11. What a fantastic idea - scrapping Christmas cards. Mine just go in the recycling but I shall keep this idea in mind for next year.

  12. What a great idea! Once I have my photos organized (definitely a rainy week project) I should do that. I'm not in the States but I do use an American company - Persnickety (sp?) and I'm really with what I get from them.
