Monday, January 26, 2015

Sketchy Thoughts for Monday

I'm continuing my sketching practice this month, using a list of prompts from Athena. 
For the black and white prompt, I decided to try sketching Luna again, giving myself permission to do something that is more like an illustration that a realistic rendition.
I'm finding that what I really enjoy is working with my water colors, adding them to my basic sketches. I also find it important to start with a reference photograph but then let go and create an image that feels right to me.
For yesterday's prompt, I used the Frank Lloyd Wright quote which I feature on my blog and illustrated it with a Wright-inspired design.
There's about one week left in January, and I will keep sketching for the rest of the month and then probably look for another prompt list because I do find this a nice artistic outlet that I can do while watching television or listening to the radio. 


  1. great sketches, I specially like the cogs. I, too find a do better if I have a reference photo.

  2. I especially like the way you have altered that last one to include your personal style of adding a quote.

  3. What lovely peek into your sketch book, thanks so much for sharing.

  4. I really like the cog one - definitely a different type of subject.

  5. I really like that FLW quote and the look of your watercolours. Glad you are enjoying the prompts.

  6. Great job with these January sketches!

    P.S. - THANK YOU for the lovely postcard. It totally made me smile to arrive home after a long day and find such a beautiful photo/postcard in the mail!!

    P.S.S. Just noticed your new profile photo - great photo!!

  7. Glad you're enjoying the prompts ...and the actual sketching xx

  8. I really like your Frank Lloyd Wright sketch ... and it sounds as if sketching is really nourishing your creative soul. If you are looking for new things, have you ever thought of doing a class at Sketchbook Skool (Danny Gregory)?

  9. I like that Frank Lloyd Wright one especially. Over here we might say it was very Glasgow School of Art inspired

  10. Wonderful sketches...clearly you are having a great time!
