Thursday, January 22, 2015

Be Still 52 Week #2: In Search of Quiet

It's awfully hard for me to find a quiet moment in my house. I'm loud. My daughter's loud. My husband always seems to have the television on for background noise. I'm currently obsessed with listening to the podcast "Serial."
And then there's the puppy, who barks and plays and requires verbal correction. 
So, I had to put on my thinking cap and work hard to address this week's prompt in the Be Still 52 Class on Finding Quiet.
I looked about the house for items which symbolized quiet and thought through a color story to fit the mood. 
I managed a few photographs that I liked before all hell broke loose again in my house of noise. I'm really enjoying this still life practice and welcome all feedback on my photographs . . . it can be as simple as which one you like best or as complex as suggestions for better angles or crops. Thanks for visiting.


  1. Hi Maria. I love feathers and candles. Thanks for sharing your day.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nice arrangements. My favorites are the first two--the fabric in all of them is lovely.

  4. It all looks so peaceful....I love the middle photo.

  5. Finding quiet is hard for me as well. I think your photos reflect quietness - very nicely done.

  6. The candle and the feathers suggest softness and stillness. they do look as if your moment was quiet though so well done.

  7. Hi Rinda the last comment was from me, Miriam, I have no idea why it has come up as 'Anonymous'

  8. I love that middle picture and it is so calming.

  9. i am glad you find a moment of quiet.

  10. Hi Rinda, I love the candle pictures, they have a real sense of peace - I'm drawn to the third one, partly because I have a thing about "threes" and also for the symbolism of the timer with no time. Your photos are always inspiring and though-provoking, thanks for sharing them :o) Annie C
