Saturday, August 16, 2014

Two Variations on Urban Street Scenes

Yesterday I posted a variety of urban street scenes which to me were pretty traditional. Today I'm posting two variations. Both were taken in urban areas (the first in Oakland and the second in San Francisco), but neither is technically on a street. 
This first one was taken in an urban park/playground. I didn't intend to take a photograph of a child because I thought that was a bit invasive. I was really just trying to capture the mural. But I love how this turned out with the child.
And then there's this:
This was taken on the edge of Golden Gate Park. This wonderful, sweet, caring woman walks her dog and tends this patch of garden every day. She lives just up the block and always has a big smile on her face. It's a kinder, gentler urban street scene. But I do love it.
What about you? How do you think these compare to the ones I posted yesterday? What type of street scene are you capturing for the 2014 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt?


  1. superb - I can image your 2nd one as a full page image accompanying a magazine article on urban life. I enjoyed this item on your list as there were so many possibilities it made me think about what I wanted to capture about urban Edinburgh

  2. Come to think of it the street scene could be almost anything couldn't it. I'd take the child as your photo bomb, what do you think? The mural is gorgeous, as were the ones you took the other day.They remind me of one we have here, perhaps I ought to pop into town to take a new photo of it! BJ
    PS just posted part 6 and my improvisation might give you a giggle.

  3. You have just made me all the more determined to pay San Francisco a visit. Bucket List material, definitely.

  4. I think these ones, at least to me, are a little bit more peaceful than the previous ones. I haven't done my street scene picture yet. It's on the list for this week as are a lot of them.

  5. These are wonderfully unique photos & perfect for another look at the urban street scene. And is that a bus I see behind the lady tending the garden patch?

  6. These are both great photos, but I just love the one of the lady tending the garden patch. I think that one is much more 'gentle' than the urban scenes yesterday if you get what I mean!

  7. Thanks for posting the link to the post about urban landscapes!
    And I really like both your images that you posted...I especially the lady and her dog photo because it tells a story.

  8. The child dashing through your photo is innocent enough and a bonus for that wonderful mural (great murals in your precious post too!!!)
    Just the sound of Golden Gate Park brings up so many special memories for I can add this dear lady tending the garden to them

  9. One of the things I love about living in a city is all the different types of scenes you see from the manic and grubby to calm and serene. I like the photo bomb child with the mural.

  10. Ooh, that mural at the playpark is so beautiful and bright! And I really like the photo of the lady tending the garden, it shows how there are wonderful people doing things to brighten up other peoples lives. x
