Friday, July 4, 2014

Treasure House: Summer of Color Week #4

front of house and left side
right side and back of house
The lighting is a bit murky for the house I created this week in response to Kristin's prompt for Summer of Color Week 3 (apple green, pink and a touch of dark green). And that's a shame because the Treasure House is a happy house. It's a house full of love, play and merriment. I painted it with green-gold and then stenciled pink tiles to the roof top, painted the eaves pink, selected lots of fun pink images and then added a dark green door and edged it all with dark green paint. I really love houses, and it's been fun to see that my blog friend Miriam is also making houses for Summer of Color. You can see hers by clicking this link.  Even with the same color palette and choice of media, the results are delightfully different. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


  1. Another great addition to your collection? Do you have plans for displaying them?

  2. The colours look great...and I love the pictures you've put on this one.

  3. Love the texture on the roof! Great use of this weeks colours, your house is really beautiful:-) xxx

  4. a fabulously happy house and I love the gold hint in the green and a 14 made its way onto this one too

  5. Oh wow! I love your little house this week! Once again, you used the SOC colors beautifully! Your house is absolutely adorable!

  6. So pretty! I love the pink on the roof!

  7. yep, I really love houses too :)

  8. sweet...I love all your little painted houses

  9. sweet addition to your SOC house collection!

  10. Such adorable little houses, love them. Love the pink a green combo too.
    Oh and our UK gardens are green and lush as we get lots of RAIN. Friday seemed to be a one-off as it was loads cooler yesterday and we had lots of showers of rain throughout the day.
    Oh and I tried to get a sunrise this morning but failed, still blogged the photos, wondering if the bird(s) on a something else other than a wire will be OK or not? BJ

  11. It's made me smile, just catching my first glimpse :). It'll be lovely to see them all in a row ...

  12. Ohhh this is so pretty. Well done.

  13. I always love your little houses!

  14. The colours look great on it. I love all these little houses you've been making with the colour prompts.
