Friday, July 11, 2014

Pioneer House: Summer of Color Week #5

front of house
back of house
It is week #5 for the Summer of Color, hosted by Kristin at the Twinkle Twinkle blog. The color palette this week is red, royal blue and a pop of light blue. I've been creating little, tiny houses this summer (click here to see them all), and this week's is called "Pioneer House." Two happy-go-lucky, star crossed lovers have made it their home. I'll be sad when this challenge ends next week. I've had so much fun creating these. You can see other entries for this week at this link.


  1. Another lovely house....I love these colours.

  2. I'm loving your little houses Rinda. Lovely quote too.

  3. All your little houses are super and make a cool collection to remember the SOC challenge.

  4. oh how nice you wee house. Perfect colors right on.

  5. They are very cute indeed ... what will you do with them when you've finished?

  6. This may be my favorite house so far. Of course I say that every time I see one of these gorgeous beauties. I'm SO impressed you can work in miniature and make them so precious.

  7. a lovely fun house - great use of the colours

  8. Ooooooh! I just love visiting your blog and seeing your amazing little houses each week! I really like the way you used the color palette this time! Your house is absolutely adorable and so creative!!!!!

  9. Great color combination, and such a lovely quote. The house, of course, is delightful!

  10. Another lovely little house! What cheery colours for this weeks addition. I hope we get to see the whole village together in the final week (hint, hint)!

  11. I love your darling little houses and certainly will miss them once the SOC challenge ends.

  12. Love your little houses Rinda! Have you got them displayed all together somewhere?

  13. Your houses are so adorable, hope we get the see them all together at the end of the challenge. BJ

  14. I love your houses as always! Such a fun idea!

  15. Those colours look really great on the wee house. Sorry I'm so late commenting - I'm way behind and trying to catch up.

  16. Love it and your little story about it!
