Sunday, June 29, 2014

Let's Sit and Have a Cup of Tea

Welcome! And come on in; sit down and let me pour you a cup of tea. Abi, over at Creating Paper Dreams, created this wonderful space to have a virtual chat once a month. 
If you were here sitting with me, we'd be enjoying a beautiful, mild summer day. The World Cup (or commentary) would be on the television in the background, as it has been almost nonstop for the last several weeks. We love our soccer around here, and we've thoroughly enjoyed watching the games and getting together with friends. We are rooting for the USA, Costa Rico and Mexico, although we think either Germany, Brazil or the Netherlands will go home the winners. I'd ask if you watch soccer or football, depending upon your nationality!
I'd tell you that I'm hoping this summer will be one of growth and learning for the family. Some summers we plan to do lots of fun activities or vacation. Instead this summer, we're all working on some things.
This summer, Henry is back from University and is getting his first taste of the working world. It's a half-time unpaid internship, but it's still the first time where he has to go to an office and do work for strangers. They're very nice (have even given him time off to watch world cup games), and he's learning a lot about data base management, mass emails and web site management. The nonprofit he's working for recruits, trains and matches college-age coaches with communities which need them, but he's having a hard time seeing the connection between what he's doing and what he imagines the world of "sports business" or "sports marketing." I see it, but then I've got a few years experience on him! He's also already complaining about the commute (it's in Oakland, about an hour total commute time including a train ride and a long walk), although it's only been a few days. He's also taking a night class. But don't worry, he's still managing to have plenty of fun!
Clara has a fair amount of summer reading for her AP English class next year. I was a little taken aback by the novel selections - Beloved by Toni Morrison and The Road by Cormac McCarthy. I don't know if you're familiar with them, but they're both so dark! Clara and I watched the movie, The Road last weekend, and it was much better than I expected. She's also taking on on-line writing class (not for credit). Other than that, she's volunteering 2-3 days a week at the Humane Society. She had hoped to be volunteering at Guide Dogs for the Blind, but I made a mistake about the required orientation, so that's been pushed back for a while. We're also still investigating the possibility of becoming puppy raisers during the fall. Plus, she's running (going to a residential cross country camp at Stanford), raising her chickens and trying to pick up a little money walking dogs and house-sitting.
Me? I'm supposed to be writing an article. I admit to being a little stressed because I'm having a hard time making myself sit down to write it. I need to, though, because even if I get an extension on the due date, I have another big work project (my casebook update) that I need to complete in July. Anyway, let's not dwell on that!
I'd steer the conversation instead to creative projects. And I'd remind you that the first linky gathering for my 2014 summertime photography scavenger hunt will go live tonight at 6:00 p.m. (my time), since that will be Monday, June 30 for many of you. It will remain open indefinitely. I'd tell you that I love hosting the scavenger hunt, although it does take up a lot of my blogging energy. I'd tell you that I'm also really enjoying making little houses for the Summer of Color and hope to do some work in my faces journal and complete the "Studying Under the Masters" class I bought back in January.
Oh look, the Mexico-Netherlands game is about to start. I better go. You're welcome to sit and watch with us, and we can chat some more at half-time.


  1. I've seen the film The Road and thought it was very depressing, my son has lent me the book as he says it's much better. I hope you and your family have a good month x

  2. We watched Brazil just scrap by...the USA is doing great this year.
    I think I need to get myself properly in gear for the Scavenger Hunt....but hoping to catch up once my summer break starts.

  3. We're not big football fans around here. The boys have watched the England games, but we haven't performed very well, as you will have seen! I'm looking forward to making a start on the Scavenger Hunt list once I have my classes and hospital visits out of the way this week. Good luck getting that report done.

  4. We;ve had a bit of the World Cup on, as I've had both Craig and Kirsty here....but it's not something I get very caught up in! Good Luck with the report!
    Alison xx

  5. It is so good to catch up with you in this post. I'm looking forward to the scavenger hunt again this summer - thanks for all the work you put into this fun activity.

  6. You are a busy lady Rinda. I have loved hearing about what your family has been getting up to. I hope Henry enjoys the first summer vacation from Uni, It is always nice to be at home again! I read the Road for my A level reading, probably about the same age Clara is now. It is a very dark book but brilliantly written. I found when I studied it as a text it was much easier to take in than when I read it just as a novel if that makes sense!
    Looking forward to seeing what everyone posts for the scavenger hunt. I am planning on getting the family involved over our holiday to the States so mine will be a while yet!
    Thank you so much for stopping for tea with me again.

  7. I read The Road for our book group, and it was enough Cormac McCarthy to last me for a long time. I've never read Beloved; one of those books you think you SHOULD read, but there are just so many more I'd rather read! It's good to be busy with interesting pursuits, and it seems like all of you are!

  8. I love the fact that those years of family days out have become something that the kids look forward to and expect as part of the family tradition!
    Good luck to Henry with his summer job, hope that commute doesn't wear him down. An hour is about average around here.
    Going to round up my scavenger hunt pictures as soon as I can, watch this space ...

  9. Oh, yes..the world of work. The most tired I have ever seen TTO was after a couple of days working in the office with his Dad. It's great to hear that H is getting some useful experience and something good to put down on a CV. TTO has some work scoring cricket matches and coaching younger boys, but I don't think it will pay all summer though

  10. Thank you for that lovely catch up Rinda. What a busy household you have. Looking forward to the Scavenger Hunt link up and hope that you settle to your writing. We are a football free zone here :)

  11. What a lovely chat with you today! Sounds like it will be a summer of growth. I bet years from now Henry will look back & see the value of this job. I'm surprised by the books Clara's having to read, too. I read The Road and really didn't like it all that much, too much of a downer. The movie was ok - we saw it when it came out as a limited release years ago. Hoping you find a huge dose of motivation and whip that article out in no time!!!

  12. It sounds like your young ones are busy this summer with worthwhile pursuits - although the reading sounds like much more fun to me. I've yet to get started on the hunt, our pretty not-yet-to-hot days seem to fill up all by themselves - no time for me to be purposeful about pictures. Thanks for the tea and chat.

  13. I know you are loving having Henry home! Can you imagine watching World Cups games without him? We have been watching a good bit and enjoying it. Clara is a very busy girl! I hope the writing muse wakes up so you can get the article written and out of the way then you can focus on the next deadline.
