Thursday, May 8, 2014

One Photo and Twenty-One Words: Art Journal Page

Thinking about whether I successfully guide my girl, 
wondering if what I say sinks in,
I work it out through art.
Linking up with Abi at Creating Paper Dreams and her monthly meme.


  1. We can only do our best and hope it sinks in. Lovely art page x

  2. Oh, never a truer word said Karen! Love that you are expressing your thoughts through art Rinda :)

  3. A great way to express these thoughts,Rinda.

  4. I'm a firm believer that you may not know the impact of your guidance until much later, but I'm sure it's sinking in. I love this page, and would like to know more about how you created it.

  5. It's hard work and a worry being a parent...great art page x

  6. ..and that's a very good way to do it.

    I'm with Karen - you just never know when in the future something you've said might suddenly make a whole lot of sense

  7. I agree with karen, That I hope my words come back to them sometime in the future, when they really need them x
    Great words & photo x

  8. we can only do our best and pray they listen x

  9. your beautiful page speaks volumes!

  10. Beautiful page ... and as one whose daughter is through and out the other side into fully fledged adulthood, I am amazed how much of my homespun wisdom shared with her in teenage years is reflected back to me now :).

  11. Wonderful page & 20 word description!

  12. Your love for your children shines through, and you are a wonderful role model Rinda.

  13. Ah yes, those are some very poignant twenty words, my friend. It does sink in, on some level, so keep at it! xo

  14. Truthful words... and we can only hope for the best.
    Beautiful art, Rinda!

  15. A very good question - only time will tell!

  16. Wonderful artwork and I'm glad you have your art to help you through life.

  17. Oh, I recognise that feeling... I ask myself the same questions all the time.
    I am sure that your great example and hard work will inspire your lovely girl and she will make the right decisions on the whole. We can't live our children's lives for them - we just have to do our best as parents, try to recognise when to let them try for themselves and trust them to follow our example.

    Beautiful journal page, Rinda!

  18. Beautiful page, beautiful words..

  19. A very beautiful page and yes it does go in and is amazing when you hear your words reflected back to you.

  20. I can certainly relate to this. Now if only I could create pretty pages like you do too.

  21. This is a gorgeous piece of art, Rinda! She hears you, she may not use it or believe it to be true for years but it makes an impact.
