Monday, May 5, 2014

My Month in Numbers: April 2014

Julie Kirk, over at Notes on Paper, hosts a monthly link up called "My Month in Numbers" I participate only sporadically. This month, inspired by a bunch of paper scraps left on my desk by Clara after doing a make-up project for art, I decided to play along. I glued some of the scraps onto a page in my Road Atlas art journal, added some painting, a little stenciling and journaling about my month. It's mainly about the road trips I took, but also talks about the chickens and classes taught, the local track meets and Henry's big interview.
It includes:
387 miles to Arcadia, California; 4x1600 meters in 21:49
2,000 miles to Minneapolis, MN
25 miles to AT&T Park
3 plane flights; 3 road trips
24 miles to USF
6 chickens, 43 students
4  track meets, 9 classes (it felt like more)
550 miles to Eugene, OR; 8 happy croppers. 
I found this easy to do because I've been taking a picture a day in the "Collect" app, to help me remember what I've been up to. Here's a collage I made of my collected photos:
A big shout out to Debs who turned me on to the app. If you want to see other months in number posts, head over to Julie's round up here.


  1. You certainly got around a lot last month! All that travelling, wow.
    I love that app, it's so good isn't it? And I love that it reminds you if it gets late in the day and you haven't added your photo for the day.

  2. Wiw lots of travelling Rinda! Love your daily photos!

  3. You packed a lot of traveling into that month! Like the artwork!

  4. You covered a lot of miles last month! Photos are the key to success with the MiN posts I think. I always refer to my IG feed now and find it much easier to pull the post together as a result.

  5. You've come a long way this month..and it looks like it has left you creatively invigorated!

  6. Ach, yet *another* reason why I really need to take the plunge and invest in a smartphone! [As if there weren't a 1000 reasons already!!]

    I love reading about road trips taken by non-UK-based Month in Numbers bloggers ... the size/distance differences become so clear! I think if I drove 2000 miles I'd end up in the sea near Canada!

    I love it when people feel a numbers urge and drop in sporadically! It sort of tells me that there's something intrinsically useful/ satisfying about this way of life-documenting. Sometimes it's the best fit for a particular story/set of events.

    So nice to have you on board Rinda!

    Your post is safely pinned to the board alongside everyone else's now:

    May May bring you many good things!

    Julie :-)

  7. Some b-i-i-g numbers in there this month, Rinda - you have clearly been on the move. The way you have recorded your numbers is very striking - those red heart shapes really pull in the eye,

  8. Wow-that's a lot of traveling for one month!

  9. Great post! I love the art journal page and the collage. I've had that app for awhile, but like Instagram, just forget to take a daily photo with my phone! I did a walk through the park with my DSLR today, though, and had a great time.

  10. LOVE that you have the chickens and students together!! I need to check out that app :)

  11. That is a lot of traveling! Great bunch of photos!

  12. I just started using the Collect app and love it too! Fun to read your month in numbers...I wonder how many eggs were produced. :o)

  13. What a creative way to record your numbers! But my, that is a lot of miles for one month!!!

  14. Great numbers and I love the app you've found!

  15. Definitely some big numbers there! I've been thinking of swapping from my current collection app to collect as you can upload direct to Persnickity...

  16. Love this inspiration. We've highlighted your page over at the MSA blog today.
