Monday, May 26, 2014

Let's sit and have a cup of tea

Hi there! Come one in and let's chat. My blog friend Abi usually sponsors a monthly linky where bloggers invite folks in for a virtual cup of tea and chat. This month, Abi's busy with exams and school, but I'd like to invite you in anyway. I still wish you were here and we could sit down and enjoy a nice cup of coffee (or tea) together.
If you were here, I'd offer you a nice healthy muffin or perhaps some yogurt and fruit, as I'm back on my healthy eating plan, hoping to lose just a few more pounds and to solidify my good eating habits this round. I'd try not to bore you with the details about balancing macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats) and instead steer the conversation to plans for the summer, as that is what has really been occupying my mind lately. 
You see, the reality of being a parent and a professor means that my life is greatly shaped by the academic calendar. Summer starts when school ends, and I try to make plans to have a fun, yet productive summer. And that means planning ahead of time for both the kids and myself.
Clara is thinking of taking an on-line writing class and will have some summer homework for her advanced placement English class. She's also hoping to shadow a dog groomer friend and will go to a residential cross-country running camp.  I'd tell you that her biggest plan, though, is to volunteer at Guide Dogs for the Blind (GDB) and to continue her volunteer work at the local humane society. GDB is over an hour away, and I'll have to drive her up there a couple of days a week. I might also volunteer one day a week, but I hope to spend the other day at a nearby library getting some of my own work done. 
My work? Well, I'm working on a law review article that is due at the beginning of July and also have to update the textbook I co-author. Those revised chapters are due on August 1. Plus, I'm teaching a class in the fall that I haven't taught in a while and need to spend some time getting that ready. So, yes, I will be quite busy!
But I also plan to have some creative fun this summer. I will be hosting my 2014 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt (launching on Sunday), and I'm so excited about that! I will also be finishing up my Learn Something New Everyday faces art journal, participating in the Summer of Color (making teeny, tiny bird houses) and working my way through the lessons in the Studying Under the Masters class I bought at the beginning of the year. I'd tell you that I've been really productive lately, playing in my art studio but that I'll be losing that space in a few weeks when Henry comes home.
As much as I'll miss my creative space, I'll gladly give it up to have him back under our roof. His plans? Well, they're still in flux. He did not get his dream job working with the San Francisco Giants, but he's got an interview for a internship with a group in Oakland which tries to build a pool of coaches for under served areas. He would be a "research and evaluation" intern and would hopefully get good experience. He might also take a class over the summer, as his course requirements for next year are pretty demanding. 
Before you go, I'd show you some of my recent art journal pages, including the one above titled "I wanna go to the kitten nursery" and this one, which was inspired the attitude of gratitude class I took with Bernice during May:
And I'd ask about your summer plans. And I'd give you a little nudge to join the Photography Scavenger Hunt, if that wasn't already a part of your plan.


  1. Sounds like a full on summer. I will check out the photography scavenger hunt, I have not tried one of these before. Thanks for the tea x

  2. sounds a good summer in store - I'm looking forward to the scavenger hunt and summer of colour and will be busy in July as a volunteer for the Commonwealth Games

  3. I am so impressed with how you have embraced the healthy eating and moving lifestyle - good on you!

    I also, wonder, since becoming better acquainted with people in the northern hemisphere who have long summer breaks, how you manage to have so much on over summer - then I realised that your breaks are a lot longer than ours. We only have 5-6 weeks break between the academic years and have longer holidays throughout the year.

    Anyway, it is lovely to catch up and to hear all you have planned. Have a lovely week Rinda :)

  4. Glad you'll have Henry home and hope he gets the Oakland job, Clara sounds productively busy too - hope the working in a library is a good fit. I like working away from home - fewer distractions. :)

  5. Thank you for a lovely cup of tea Rinda. It was so good to take a break in revision and read your words. You sound like you have lots planned. Clara seems to be doing so well with all that volunteering. it will stand her in good stead I am sure.

    I am excited for the scavenger hunt! My family are heading to Boston this summer so we will do your hunt there! It is always so much fun!

  6. sounds like all your family are going to be very busy this summer. I've recently taken up jogging, something I never thought I would say! I'm also looking forward to the scavenger hunt again and this year plan to print the photos and add them to my album x

  7. I just had to tell you we are sorting our summer holiday plans & my children said" we are doing the scavenger hunt again, aren't we ?" I've reassured them don't you worry xxx

  8. Oh, yes! I'll be scavenging too. And, yes, I think we'd be talking about the difficulties of finding summer jobs and about the shifting round of stuff again to make room for a large boy in the house

  9. I am looking forward to scavenging again, too. We are going to Budapest in late July, and then to Wiltshire to work on our little cottage. Our school term doesn't end till July 18, so still working hard until then........

  10. Hey Rinda I would love to sit and have a cup of tea with you - it sounds like we could talk all day in fact! Would love to join the scavenging this year so will try to pop back next week - see you then! :o)

  11. Tiny bird houses! I LOVE that!! You are so busy this Summer - and it sounds like there will be a lot going on at home too - have fun and good luck with the book revisions. So excited to have you playing along with the SOC too, thank you! xoox

  12. I won't be needing a nudge :). I am primed and ready to go! Your collective summer sounds full and rich in variety - Oh, the bliss of being able to have a day a week to catch up on work. Do you need an assistant?

  13. I am ridiculously excited about your scavenger hunt, Rinda! Can't wait till Sunday to see your new list. It sounds like your summer is already jam-packed and your kids have some exciting things on their plates.

  14. Looking forward to that Scavenger Hunt of luck to Henry and Clara with their upcoming summer activities
    Alison xx

  15. What a lovely visit with you today Rinda.

    I'm working on the healthy eating choices, too - so far I've lost 14 pounds this year & am feeling so much better! But it does get tedious at times tracking my eating & exercising every day! LOL

    Sounds like you're going to have a busy summer!

  16. Sounds like a busy summer for the family. I know you are happy to have Henry home for the summer. I would love a cup of coffee. Let me tell you the happy news first. We celebrated Pete's oldest daughter (Lucia) graduation from the University of St. Thomas. That same day she got engaged to Donald who is a great guy for her. Then I would tell you the sad news. That same weekend my sons friend lost his life in a car accident. He was 18 and would graduate from high school the following weekend. My heart is heavy with sympathy for his dear family as he was the oldest and only son. I would remind you to hug your family and let them know how much you love them. Peace and love to you and your family dear cousin. Thanks for the coffee.

  17. Really enjoyed reading all your news. Good luck with the health kick!

  18. Thank you for the visit and the catching up on your life :) I haven't made much plans for the summer yet but I better. Thanks for the motivation!

  19. Ohh, thank you for the coffee and chat time. Your summer already sounds very full but a nice blend of work and pleasure. I know you are thrilled that Henry will be home for a bit. It flies by! Love both of the pieces but the kitten one makes me smile :)

  20. Boy your summer sounds jammed packed! Right now I've got any idea what we'll be doing other than researching for the trip to London & Barcelona in the fall.
