Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Final Frugal Still Life Photography Assignment

At the beginning of the year, I took a free photography class called Frugal Still Life Photography (you can see my class review here).  Several of the assignments called for using shadows and editing effects to try to create an "Old World" style still life. When taking the class, I don't think I was able to really accomplish that task. Recently, however, I took a counter top still life and transformed it into something that I do feel like has an Old World feel to it. The only problem? It doesn't look very appetizing! LOL!
Here's a less Old World version of the same set-up:
I think I like the second one better. What about you? 
One of the things I like about taking classes is that the lessons stay with me and continue to influence my artistic endeavors. I would never have noticed this counter top composition and taken time to photograph it before I took the class. But I'm glad I did. Have you ever noticed a class that stayed with you weeks or even months after you completed it?


  1. The first one captured my attention as I scrolled through the list of blogs waiting to be read. It really is like an old Master painting. Wonderful effect Rinda.

  2. I can see what you mean about the fruit, Rinda, but you have captured some great effects and shadows for the cloth or linen on which they're sitting.

  3. I think I like the first one. It has more of that 'old master painting of a bowl of fruit' feel to it to me.

  4. I like the second one better. I agree - I've thought about the Frugal Still Life class a few times as I've snapped photos these past few months.

  5. I do like the second one better too because when I saw the first one my first thought was, "Ugh! I hate when an avocado is like that when you cut it in half!" Lol.

    I recently finished a sketchbook class (review on my blog tomorrow) and I loved it SO much! I learned so much and gained a whole new appreciation for drawing, so that's really been on my mind a lot these days. :o)

  6. I like the first one best from an artistic viewpoint. You did a beautiful job editing, it looks like an Ole Masters oil painting to me so A+ in that :)

  7. I like the second one. I think probably because it has a cleaner look to it.

  8. Wow, that's awesome. I so wished I had stuck with the class, but too many things pulled me away. You do have a photographer's eye!
