Friday, January 3, 2014

2014 One Little Word and a few blog plans

Many years ago, Ali Edwards started a practice she called "One Little Word." The basic idea is to choose a word (or let a word choose you) to focus upon and guide you during the year. I have joined in the practice for the last seven years and have always found it useful and empowering. Here are my previous words (and some links to what I did with them).
2007 - Open
2008 - Flow
2009 - Accomplish
2010 - Horizon
2011 - Health
2012 - Home
2013 - Paramount
For this year, I have chosen the word "illuminate." I almost chose "light" or "lighten" or "lighter" because one of the main things I want to do this year is to lighten myself (lose some weight) and to lighten/purge my huge stash of art supplies. I do want to be lighter, but light and its derivatives felt too passive to me. I wanted a more active word; a word that captured why I want to be lighter. So, I checked the thesaurus and came upon the word illuminate. After looking at the definition of illuminate, I decided it was the word for me. It means to lighten, in order to clarify or bring clarity. There's a searching aspect to the word that I like because that's part of what I want to do this year. I want to sort through and let go of the clutter, so that I can figure out what I want to focus upon. I want to lose weight so that I can be healthier and stronger and discover my potential. I want to shine brighter in 2014, and I plan to illuminate my path to get there.
So, what does that mean for my blog? I'm not exactly sure yet. During the last few weeks, I've enjoyed not being tied to a set schedule or certain memes. And I think that's a good place to start. I still want to share Tea with Abi and capture A Simple Moment, but I'm letting go of Paint Party Friday and Hello Monday. I'm also holding on to Photo-Heart Connection and Zoom In < Zoom Out because they definitely speak to me and what I want to be doing on my blog. I've also signed up for a few new classes (you can see them listed on my sidebar), which I hope will give a jump start to my photography, painting and art journaling.
What about you? Have you chosen a One Little Word for 2014? Are you making any new plans for your blog in 2014?


  1. Loving that word Rinda - as you know, mine is "resolve" - fingers crossed our words continue to work for us throughout 2014 x

  2. I think your word is just great, I've already done a LOT of decluttering, which has made me feel a lot calmer. Last year was a year of consolidation for me, my word seems always to appear towards the end of the year rather than at the beginning, so I'm just going to go with the flow and see where it takes me. Happy New Year, Joy x x x

  3. that is a really interesting word Rinda and I am optimistic for a good year blogging for us all..... I certainly intend to be posting more!

  4. Great word, Rinda - I like the activity it implies. My own word is "more" - I'm going to try to do more of the things that have made me healthy and happy through 2013, just a bit more, in 2014!

  5. I'm not joining in with Ali Edwards but I do have a word which seems to have chosen me. My word is 'intentional' and it sums up how my approach to every aspect of my life needs to be to get me through this next year.

  6. Illuminate is a great word! Mine is kind and I am excited about it.

  7. I'm not choosing a word, the New Year Revolution has me doing deep thinking about who I am, what I want to accomplish that I think that will be my focus for the year. You have a good one for the year :) I am actually thinking of starting a few memes and will be participating with Abi and Alexa. Waiting to see what Sian has up, I am behind on reading (again) so she may have shared.

  8. I'm thinking of a word but seem to have the same goals as you!

  9. That's a lovely set of definitions/goals. I'm hoping to join in with some memes - going to be thinking about that this over next week. Good luck with your plans.

  10. Great way to think about your word, Rinda. I'm looking forward to seeing how you plans shine through on your blog. And I'll be doing the photography class too next week. Should be fun.

  11. What a great choice, Rinda! I love it. I have chosen mine and the post will go up on Monday as we're driving to Florida. Except for that, the blog will stay quiet until we get home. I'm enjoying the time with family, but am looking forward to getting busy with projects when we get back. You and I both have purging on our lists!

  12. Great idea to have a focus word! And what a good one!

  13. That's a great set of aims,Rinda....and the word does great justice to them.
    I'm thinking of keeping last year's word 'finish' as it really made me focus....but I've still a long way to go with it!!

  14. That's a great word Rinda! As you know I've signed up for the Cheryl McCain class, and may take the Katrina Kennedy class too. I have a big trip planned this year and would like to focus on photography. I'm going to participate in Helena's zoom in & out too! So many good things to look forward to! Hope you have a wonderful Sunday :)

  15. That is a very smart word and I LOVE your art work that goes with it! I don't do it officially and I don't really do much with it but I do pick a word every year as well. This year mine is Healthy... I want to be reminded to make healthy choices everyday :) Happy New Year to you and yours Maria!

  16. That's a great word, Rinda. You are right, you do need the word to connect on all levels, good lucky with shining.
    I like your Zoom in- Zoom out neme. I will try and join in with this as quick photography challenges appeal to me. I've just posted 5 in 5 so hope to come back another time with photos for Zoom in Zoom out.

  17. Great word! I'm looking forward to seeing how it manifests in your life this year!

  18. I love the word you have chosen. I don't participate in One Little Word as it isn't for me. Your word is very active and positive. I think it will be a wonderful word for the year. Happy New Year!

  19. Hi Rinda, This will be my fourth year of focusing on a word rather than setting New Year resolutions. My word this year is Surrender. My post about it goes live tomorrow. Thanks for mentioning the Still Life Photography class. I just signed up for that.

  20. Illuminate is a fantastic word! I'm on a self-improvement and weight loss journey myself, so I will be rooting for you that much more.

  21. Excellent word! I hope it lights your way the whole year through

  22. I love the word illuminate for you, Rinda, and I love the way it came to be for you.

    During a conversation with a friend over the weekend she actually helped me home in on my one little word for 2014: trust. This reminds me that I need to pull a blog post together about it...

    Have a great week, Rinda!

  23. What a great word Rinda. I don't officially do OLW but I still pick a word but this year one just hasn't come to me yet.

  24. Love your word Rinda, and looking forward to seeing where it takes you! I have chosen ACTION as my word. I'll be explaining why I chose this on my blog soon!

  25. Hi - just realised that you got missed off my migration from googlereader to feedly - I have now added you x
