Sunday, December 29, 2013

Look Up//Look Down #52: Home for the Holidays

I went home for the holidays - back to visit my brothers and sisters (and Paul's family) in Southern California where I grew up. There I found the perfect look up//look down pair to end 2012. Looking up at the roof line of the house where I grew up (and so thankful that my brother still lives there and hosts big family gatherings), all lit up for the holidays. Looking down at my parents' final resting place. I took Henry, Clara and my niece Maddie there to visit, reflect and decorate. Thanks again Helena  for hosting this meme.


  1. What clever juxtaposition of these pictures, the top one of the 'now' and the future of your family and the bottom one of the past. A perfect end of the year photo for this meme.

  2. fabulous final pair and sounds like you had a great trip. Love your new portrait on your blog sidebar

  3. A poignant end to the year. It sounds like you had a great time with family this holiday: that smile in your lovely new picture says a lot!

  4. That's a wonderful pair to end the tear with.
    Sounds like the perfect christmas for you all.
    I also love that new photo.

  5. What a great final pair of Up & Down for 2013! So glad y'all were able to visit with family over the holidays.

  6. May Uncle Pete and Aunt Carmen rest in peace.

  7. What a wonderful pair to end the year with.

  8. Fab new picture, Rinda, you look great in that hat! Your family Christmas sounds wonderful!
