Sunday, December 8, 2013

Dec. Daily: Christmas at the Humane Society

One of the things I'm enjoying about my December Daily album is the way I am capturing how the holidays are being celebrated at the places where we live our regular, ordinary lives.  For instance, Clara and I go the the Peninsula Humane Society every week to walk dogs and care for them in their kennels. When we went today, we found Santa there posing with pets!
During a break, he offered to take photos with volunteers, and I couldn't resist capturing a visit with Santa.
Even Clara was game!
Have you noticed how your everyday, routine places are dressing up for the holidays? Have you gone to visit Santa?


  1. This is so cute! I kind of feel I'm missing out now :) I have got the pictures of Little E visiting Santa on my desk for scrapbooking though

  2. What fun! Other than the stores, I haven't been paying enough attention. Thanks for opening my eyes.

  3. I haven' noticed much in the way of change in our town but have enjoyed seeing your lovely poses!

  4. That looks fun,Rinda.....I haven't seen one Santa yet.

  5. Cute photos! We haven't seen Santa this year, but in years past we've run in to him at a favorite eating place, on a holiday train ride, and this past summer at the Christmas Store in Pigeon Forge, TN - & we captured photos each time!

  6. We had our school Christmas Fayre last Friday evening, and Mr Rooke, our Chemistry teacher, was Santa!

  7. Looks like fun! I am thinking of volunteering for our local dog's trust next year. Really missing my dog!

  8. Adorable photos, Rinda! I always take a photo with Santa if the opportunity presents itself. :o)

  9. Love the pictures Rinda.

  10. I've not seen Santa yet. I love it when he comes along our road on his sleigh... carols playing, bells ringing...
